10 Reasons To Adopt An Adult Cat

10 reasons to adopt an adult cat

When deciding to adopt a pet, most of the time we go for a puppy and discard adult animals. They seem to us that they are more beautiful or that in this way we are going to educate them in our own way. But with the passage of time we realize that this is not the case.

In the case of cats, there is a lot of ignorance and adults are always rejected, but the character of a cat is not the result of our education, but rather has to do with the breed and the character of the animal itself.

So from My Animals, we are going to give you 10 reasons to adopt an adult cat and not a puppy.

1.- They don’t destroy everything

Adult cats will no longer feel the need to destroy everything, as kittens do. Puppies bite everything, because their teeth are coming out and they also scratch all the furniture they find around them. In the case of adult cats, they will no longer do these things, they will be calmer and will spend their time playing with you or resting.

2.- They are more grateful

Cats that end up in shelters or people who give an adult cat, do so not because the cat misbehaves, but because they have to move to another city or because the owner has passed away, etc. When you decide to adopt an adult cat that has been picked up from the street or has been abandoned, he will thank you, at first he will be scared, but you will see how they are more affectionate.

3.- You already know the character they have

An adult cat already has its character formed, so you will immediately know what it is like and what you are going to find. It is true that we all love kittens and they seem very cute, but we run the risk that when they become adults, they will have a character that we do not like.

4.- Personal hygiene

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Adult cats spend more than half of their time grooming themselves, they can spend hours licking their hair. This does not happen with kittens, since they spend all their time playing and destroying everything. Then there comes a moment that “yes or yes” you have to bathe the kitten, since it is full of things that it drags on the ground.

5.- They relieve themselves in the litter tray

When you bring your adult cat home and put his things on him, he will immediately use his litter tray to relieve himself. You do not have to worry about teaching him, since he will do it alone. This does not happen with kittens, which will cost you more than a dislike to be able to teach them where they have to relieve themselves.

6.- They are great friends of children

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Cats are the best playmates for children. There are different breeds that are especially babysitters as they are quite patient and love games with children. This does not happen with the young, which may inadvertently scratch or bite the child. Another issue is that children can catch the kitten and playing can hurt him, since it will be more difficult for him to escape. In the case of adult cats, they can flee, defend themselves and even hide from a child who wants to catch them.

7.- You don’t have to teach them

When a cat is already an adult it has a lesson learned, it will know what to do without you teaching it anything. Cat owners know that it is very difficult to teach them, since they often do “whatever they want” and sometimes it is frustrated. If you have little time to dedicate to educating a cat, it is preferable that you adopt an adult.

8.- You save time and energy

Having a small kitten takes up a lot of time and energy. If you work outside the home or don’t have a lot of time to spend with your pet, it’s best to adopt an adult. Since they spend more hours sleeping, they play less and cause almost no damage. We already know that little ones need more of our attention.

9.- They don’t get into trouble

Kittens are always in trouble, what if they have eaten something they should not, what if something has destroyed the neighbor, etc., something that can always have the owner of the kitten on edge. Adult cats have already gone through that stage with their previous owner, so now it will not be your turn.

10.- By adopting an adult cat you do a charity work

The main reason why it is better to adopt an adult is for the good that we do. People who decide to adopt a cat prefer it to be a puppy and adult cats lose their chances of being adopted. So think that you could be his last chance to have a family.

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