5 Smaller Cat Breeds

Size can play a fundamental role in those homes where space is conspicuous by its absence; these felines will fit and adapt to any corner of a small apartment

If you want to adopt a pet, but don’t have much space at home, a good idea is to choose from the smallest cats out there. Some breeds are characterized by their tiny size even when the specimens are adults. In this article we will tell you what they are.

What are the smallest cat breeds?

Maybe you don’t have a lot of space where you live, or you prefer a pet that is easy to care for. Therefore, we recommend that you choose from the following smaller cat breeds:

1. Singapura

Although it is an ancient breed, a few decades ago it received the recognition it deserved. It originated in Singapore, where it is very common to see them walking down the street, and they became famous after being taken to France and Great Britain.

The Singapore cat –the photo that opens this article– is the smallest in the world, it has a round head and a short muzzle, its eyes are almond-shaped, and its body is quite robust and muscular. Its coat is short and fine, of light colors, mainly brown.

2. Devon rex

This is another of the smallest cats that we can find, and that arose after the crossing of two common domestic cats in the United Kingdom, precisely in the county of Devon. Its main characteristic is the dense and curly coat, which does not fall too much and can be ideal for those with allergies. In addition, their large ears and piercing oval eyes attract attention.

Pets do not produce allergies: Devon rex

3. Skookun

This cat is originally from the United States and, in addition to its small size, it is also known for its curly hair – like that of poodle dogs – and its short legs. It arose after the crossing of two breeds: LaPerm and Munchkin, hence it is recognized as an ‘experimental cat’ breed that cannot participate in certain competitions.

Skookum cat: care

The Skookun can weigh about three kilos – as an adult it still looks like a puppy – and its name derives from a North American tribe, which means sweet, funny and intelligent. .. Its three main qualities! He is a very affectionate cat and loves to be surrounded by his family. It is ideal for a house or a flat.

4. Korat

It is an ancient cat, originally from Thailand, which was recently recognized outside of Asia a few decades ago, when it began to be exported to Europe or the United States.

Korat cat breed behavior

The korat has a compact body, very elegant, with a long tail and ears. It can weigh between two and four kilos, and its coat is silver-blue. He is quite affectionate with the family, but surly with children and strangers.

This breed is highly intelligent, prefers quiet environments, loves to browse and play, and can spend hours jumping and running. The meow is particular and melodious, although it also uses other sounds to express what it wants.

5. Munchkin

The last of the smallest cats on this list arose after a natural genetic mutation, and the main characteristic of the breed is that it has shorter legs than any other. However, this does not prevent him from walking, jumping or playing. That same gene is present in dogs such as the basset hound or the sausage.


The munchkin is a small cat, weighing about three kilos, its fur is silky and long and it can be of different colors and patterns. It is a fairly active, playful, intrepid and curious pet. Perfect for houses where there are children.

If you want to adopt a small cat, these are the best breeds. They do not require much care, they are affectionate, they will adapt to your home and they will become your best company.

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