6 Signs That Your Cat Loves You

6 signs that your cat loves you

Interpreting cats is not that simple. Unlike dogs that express their affection clearly, felines undoubtedly communicate what they feel less obviously. But that does not mean that our pet does not want to express his love and loyalty to us, only that he does it in a different way, which is often difficult to recognize.

If you want to discover how much your cat cares about you, take a look at these signs that show that your cat is not indifferent and that your little friend loves you.

Purr and knead

The purr is the sound with which cats usually express affection towards their owners.  They can be powerful and quite serious. According to research, when cats purr they slow down their heart rate, which makes them feel much more relaxed.

When cats purr they also show joy and it is a way of telling you that they are happy and safe with their owner.

In general, you will probably feel that your cat makes these sounds when it perches on your lap or when it feels your hand on its head. For them, that moment is one of relaxation and enjoyment.

The purr is usually accompanied by another way of expressing affection called kneading. Kneading is when cats sit on your legs and begin to move their paws in a similar motion to kneading.

When the cats make this movement, you will notice that in addition to purring and closing their eyes a little, they usually expose their sharp nails. But this is not done to show aggressiveness, on the contrary, it is to express all the affection they feel towards you. In fact, the movement of the legs is so subtle that you can’t even feel its sharp nails.

Much has been said about the origin of the kneading that cats usually do, since this movement originates during the first days of their life. When they are breastfed by their mother, the little ones instinctively move their paws pressing the nipples of their mother, in this way they can extract more milk. As time goes by, that pleasant memory is repeated every time they feel happy.

Heading and licking

gato lamiendo

If a person nodded at you to show affection, your reaction would probably be surprise or aggressive. However, in cats, the head butt is a sign of affection. When they do, they deposit their facial pheromones on you, showing you all their confidence and security.

Surely they combine their head butting with a few licks on your hands or the occasional small bite. If so, feel happy, since your cat is expressing to you that you are already part of his friendly circle.

Collapsed tail

A cat’s tail says a lot. When it inflates it is a sign that your feline is scared, on the other hand when its tip contracts it means that it feels happiness. Often they do this movement when they are very close to their owners.

Belly up

gato boca arriba

Have you noticed that cats sometimes roll on the ground? When your cat makes this type of movement, he wants to get your attention. The felines only show their belly to those who give them confidence, so if you are one of them enjoy that moment since your pet feels loved and protected.

Nap time

As you know, cats sleep most of the day and tend to look for warm places to sleep. Therefore it is not surprising that at nap time or at night, it jumps onto your lap. You must feel honored as when cats sleep they are much more vulnerable, so that they choose you as a safe place to spend the night is a real compliment.

A very special gift

Finally, surely more than once you have observed the behavior of your cat when it sees a bird, a rodent or an insect. His pupils dilate, he usually makes the odd sound and his attack position is inimitable. The hunting instinct leads him to hunt his prey and play with it until it is killed. But this is not all. Then he will take it to his owner, as he wants to share his trophy with him. So don’t be surprised if you see a dead bird or insect on your bed or your favorite chair, your feline has taken it there as a sign of generosity and friendship.

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