6 Tips For Feeding A Puppy

Feeding a puppy is a task that requires a certain concentration and, above all, commitment; It must be taken into account that their nutritional needs and their portions are different from those of an adult pet. And it is essential to teach him about routines from an early age!
6 tips for feeding a puppy

If you are about to adopt your new best friend and you do not know very well about his care, we recommend that you read this article, where we will give you some tips for feeding a puppy. Offer him what he needs!

Tips for feeding a puppy

The feeding of the pet is key at all ages, but when it is small it fulfills a more than important function: helping it grow healthy and strong. Therefore, as owners we cannot take lightly our responsibility to feed it to perfection.

If a dog does not eat well from an early age, this will directly influence its development, health and life expectancy. Pay attention to these tips to feed a puppy:

1. Buy special feed

In veterinarians and pet stores they sell feed for all ages. In the specific case of puppies, these are smaller foods, easier to digest, with many proteins and vitamins and even with a more attractive taste: that’s how they get used to it.

2. Consult with the vet

Although on the packages of dog food they indicate the daily ration according to age or breed, because it is not the same to feed a Chihuahua than a Neapolitan Mastiff, ask your vet about the specific amount for your pet.

You also have to take into account the size of the puppy and its special needs. For example, English bulldogs, Rottweillers, and German shepherds have specific nutritional requirements.

My dog ​​eats a lot

3. Don’t skimp on quality

Another tip for feeding a puppy is related to the quality of the food you offer him. The most expensive feeds are not always the best, although the most affordable may not offer as much quality. Therefore, you should pay attention to its components.

4. Establish a routine

You not only have to pay attention to the type of feed, but also in the moments in which you offer it to your pet. That’s right, because since puppy, the dog needs a certain routine and you will be in charge of enforcing it.

Dogs need clear and basic rules that adapt to the life of their owner. When it comes to feeding, do your best to offer the feed at the same time each day. This way he will know when he will get his ration.

For example, you can feed it in the morning when you wake up and then in the afternoon when you return from work or before you eat dinner. Also always give it in the same container and in the same place in the house. That will help create your routine!

Choosing your dog's feeder

5. Don’t give him your food

This is one of the tips for feeding a puppy that many owners skip, not understanding that it is a very serious harm to the pet. Even if we give it something that seems harmless.

Do not be seduced by his face of sorrow, nor by his ‘cries’, not even by putting his paw on your leg. The animal has to understand that this food is not for him and that he has to wait until his next serving. Remember that you are the dominant leader of the pack!

6. Don’t forget the water

As much or more important than food is water, essential all year round. Therefore, it must never be lacking. Change the contents of the drinker every day so that you always have fresh water and pay attention if it runs out. Do not leave the container in the sun and increase the portion in summer.

Finally, we recommend that the feed be kept in plastic containers inside the home and that, from time to time, you pamper your puppy with wet feed … But only if he has behaved well!

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