What To Do If A Scorpion Bites You

Many of the subspecies are not poisonous, but it is essential to take a photo so that the doctor can prescribe the corresponding treatment; washing the wound and keeping it below the level of the heart are other keys
What to do if a scorpion bites you?

Do not think that scorpions are only in deserts, and they are more common than we can imagine. We can all be exposed to a sting, and we have to be prepared to know what to do and how to act when the time is right.

Steps to follow if you are stung by a scorpion

Scorpions usually hide under rocks or underground, so if you tend your garden, or you are one of those who like to collect plants, flowers or other things in the field, you could be exposed to a scorpion sting you. What to do in this case?

Call the poison center

Each country has a number in case of poisoning or poisoning, but there is also ’11’, which is an international emergency number. It is essential that you do this because, although you may feel good to go on your own foot, the bite could immobilize you.

If you are alone at the time it happened, be sure to let the center know exactly where you are and they will mark a sign with you to see if you were able to get to the hospital. For example, they could tell you to call or that they will call you in a few minutes and that, if there is no answer, they will send you an ambulance, for example.

Take a photo of the assailant

Yes, we know that a selfie with the bug that has bitten you is the last thing you want, but it is a step that you should keep in mind from now on in case you see yourself in this problem. This step is vital to be able to identify the type of scorpion it is and give you the antidote or cure you need.

What to do if we get bitten by a scorpion

Not all scorpions are the same, as they have different poisons and produce different symptoms, so a photo will be essential to be able to act quickly. Remember that some species are deadly.

Pay attention to the symptoms

Even if you have been able to get to the center or get a doctor to see you, it is vital that you continue to be aware of the symptoms you have at home. These could get worse or new ones could even appear. Scorpion stings may not be very common in your area, and there aren’t many tests for it.

Wash the bite

Once at home, wash the bite with water and a mild soap whenever you have the chance. This will allow it not to get infected. Don’t think about sucking to extract the poison: that will be done by the medications that the doctor has sent you.

What to do if you get bitten by a scorpion

Remember to follow their instructions to the letter and do not want to go beyond the doctor. You will receive a lot of well-meaning advice.

Keep the affected area under the heart

This will be a way to prevent the poison from going up through your veins and starting to run through your body. Try to remain immobile while you can and with the area relaxed, but always trying to keep the poison towards the lower part of the body.

Put ice on too, which will not only make the inflammation go down, but the venom will clot a bit and make it much more difficult for it to move; it is about preventing it from affecting other areas of the body.

Do not panic

Especially if you are alone, anxiety and nervousness will not help you think or act quickly, so it is best to stay calm as much as possible. Remember that not all scorpions are deadly; it is more, they are the less.

It is possible that the existing species in your country have venom that creates mild symptoms, so nothing that a medicine and a good treatment can alleviate.

Although we know that this is not a common situation, it is always good to be informed and be cautious in case we find ourselves in this situation at any time. Follow these tips if it happens and you will see that everything will go smoothly.

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