Find Out Why The Dog Is Man’s Best Friend

Find out why the dog is man's best friend

The dog is man’s best friend, this is a world-famous phrase. However, new studies have discovered the reason for the certainty of this phrase. Living with a dog has multiple benefits. Let’s talk about some of them and this new research.

Although that phrase always applies to the human race and not only to men, the new research shows that this sentence can be used in the entire term of the word : The dog is the best friend of man (of all men).

Benefits of living with a dog

dog and family

Living with a dog brings a thousand benefits to our emotional and physical health. So much so that it has been shown that children raised with dogs are happier and have a lower risk of disease.

For all people, regardless of whether they are children, women or men, these are some of the advantages of having and living with a dog:

  • Calm loneliness. For those who live alone, having a dog is the best solution. You will never come to an empty house again and you will always have someone in a good mood who will receive you with affection and “a smile”.
  • Prevents diseases. Dogs go out into the street and with this they carry bacteria and other germs to which we are gradually becoming immunized when we live with a dog. Having a canine pet can improve asthma, and even due to the exercise we must do when taking it out for a walk, we can prevent heart disease.
  • Improve our physical health. Having a dog is one more responsibility, so this makes us be active. Having an exercise program helps us to be healthy inside and out.
  • Reduce stress. The presence of an animal has been shown to calm stress as a well-known pet food brand taught us.

We could spend all day counting the benefits that a dog can bring to our lives, but let’s talk about the specific benefits they bring to men.

The dog is the best friend of man, or of men

Several health and research entities collaborate in this research: The Madocan Canine Training Club and Mr. Dogs Association of Therapy and Assistance Dogs helped the Urology Service of the Santa Lucía Hospital in Cartagena and the Health Area II of the Murciano Service.

These studies have shown that dogs are the best detectors for prostate cancer, a very common type of cancer that only occurs in men and can lead to death. How do they do that?

Through their nose. We all know the complexity that the olfactory system has in dogs, as they are capable of storing smells in their minds and remembering them even after several years have passed.

In this case, a group of dogs was trained so that they could differentiate the scent that was being sought. They were shown urine samples from different types of people, both healthy patients and sick patients. The group of dogs was correct in the diagnosis in 87% of the cases.

dog walk

This can be a great scientific advance to prevent or be able to catch that disease that causes so much suffering and has caused in time.

The professionals involved promise to continue working to obtain even more accurate results and statistics. They want to train different groups of dogs for different diseases, cancer or others, and thus be able to continue making progress in saving lives.

This is by no means the first test of this type to be carried out, since many have already been carried out that have shown that dogs can detect cancer without the need for major tests, although it has been the first to reach such a high success rate. .

They told you that a dog is man’s best friend, but did you ever think it could save your life?

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