Sponsor A Penguin

Threatened by climate change and pollution, a campaign is launched to raise funds in order to prevent the populations of this endangered species from continuing to decline; incidentally, it collaborates with the Spanish Association Against Cancer, the most important NGO in the fight against this disease
Sponsor a penguin

As every year, the Spanish delegation of the Army that works in Antarctica has started its environmental awareness campaign. Sponsor a penguin, give it a name and help the cause.

Sponsor a penguin

The Army has a permanent base on Deception Island, one of the most remote places in Antarctica. His work there is based on monitoring compliance with international environmental legislation and assisting scientists who are developing different studies.

On that island, together with scientists and the military, there are approximately 20,000 breeding pairs of penguins: that is, more than 40,000 penguins of three different species.

To raise awareness about the importance of caring for the environment, every year a campaign is opened in which people sponsor a penguin. As the campaign says, in exchange for naming a penguin, the godfather agrees to take care of the environment so that this animal and its chicks can continue to live.

In return, the godfather receives a digital diploma and a photo of his penguin. It is only necessary to fill out this form to participate. Of course, godparents are also expected to deliver on their ecological promise.

Penguins: where they are found

The Penguins of Deception Island

Scientists on Deception Island are currently studying three species of penguins. Any of them may appear on the certificate that you send to the person who sponsors a penguin:

  • The chinstrap penguin. These animals are easy to recognize as they have a black line under their face. They are approximately 70 centimeters tall and weigh between three and five kilograms, depending on the time of year they are. They live beyond Antarctica and can be seen in nearby territories, such as the islands of Argentina and even Chile.
  • The Adelaide Penguin. They are more or less the same size as the chinstraps, and are characterized by having the edge of the eye white. They have a larger tail than other penguin species and their habitat is smaller: they only live on the Antarctic continent.
  • The gentoo penguin. It is the largest of the three, since the adult specimens can reach 90 centimeters in height. They are the fastest species of penguin underwater, and are characterized by having orange legs and beak.

    Global warming

    A study on the effects of climate change is being carried out on Deception Island. Penguins are considered to be great indicators of the health of their ecosystems, as they are a weak link and are the first to show symptoms of problems.


    Penguins are not the only animals threatened by climate change or pollution. On the other side of the planet, in the Arctic, there have been devastating images of polar bears starving due to the shortage of prey.

    It is not only the animals at the poles that are the only ones threatened by global warming. Animals across the globe are affected by changes in their ecosystems: from fish, birds or large mammals such as elephants or lions.

    This campaign seeks to achieve the commitment of godfathers and godmothers to take care of the environment, while generating social awareness about the problem. Anyone can give a little help, and since the problem is global, acts from our homes are being noticed all over the planet.

    The fight against cancer

    This year the campaign also joins the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC). Whoever sponsors a penguin is not only making the commitment to take care of the environment to help that animal and its young to survive, they are also participating in the challenge of getting 5,000 participants.

    If this figure is reached, a collaborating company has agreed to make a donation to the Spanish Association Against Cancer. You are encouraged from the form to make a small personal donation to the cause, but it is not mandatory: it is not mandatory for the penguins, but the organization appreciates the grain of sand.

    It is very easy to sponsor a penguin and with this we collaborate in two great causes. On the one hand, it reminds us to continue caring for the environment, and on the other, we help achieve a donation to the most important association against cancer in our country.

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