Reasons Not To Cut Off Your Dog’s Ears

Reasons not to cut off your dog's ears

If you are the owner of a purebred puppy, you have many options and decisions to make. One of the hardest of times is deciding whether to cut off your dog’s ears. Some breeds of dogs have traditionally been recognized for the distinctive appearance of their heads. Cropped ears have become trademarks of breeds such as Dobermans or Great Danes and even many of the smaller breeds, such as the Miniature Schnauzer, have adopted it as well.

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Many people have come to question the need or appropriateness of trimming the ears of dogs. In fact, some countries have gone further and banned the practice. Animal cruelty is what many people argue to go against it. Tail docking, for example, which is another controversial practice: it is prohibited in many parts of the world such as Australia and the United Kingdom.

Everything generates controversy and there are conflicting positions. For example, the American Kennel Club (AKC) says that clipping of the ears and tail is essential for defining and preserving character in certain breeds. But the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) opposes this idea, stating that the dog is subjected to unnecessary risks since, in the case of tail docking, a tumor can develop on the nerve.

It also causes pain, since anesthesia is not used in the surgery. And let’s not forget that dogs communicate their emotions through their tail, so not having it can interfere with their interaction with other dogs.

In the case of the ears the arguments are also found . Those in favor claim that clipping some dogs’ ears helps prevent ear canal infections and makes them less likely. They argue that ear cropping is no different philosophically or ethically from any other type of surgery, such as spaying or neutering.

Many times, dogs’ ears are cut off because the cartilage is too thin to support the weight of the ear or sometimes they are too long for the dog’s head.

What does the surgery involve?

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The trim ears is generally performed in anesthetized dogs between 6 and 12 weeks of age. The ears are then glued to a hard surface for several weeks so that while they heal they remain in an upright position.

Ear cropping is generally strictly for cosmetic purposes. There is no medical benefit.

In the case of Doberman dogs, it takes a period of several months to achieve the desired effect. Post-surgery care is the only difference in your finish.

There is no way of knowing how long you will need to have your ears in place. It all depends on the genetics of the cartilage and how quickly or slowly it recovers.

Ear cropping is done under general anesthesia. As with any other surgical procedure, there can be risks. Some dogs have died from reactions to anesthesia. Others have bled due to clotting disorders that were not known before the surgery was performed.

If you are still considering clipping your dog’s ears, see a professional who has a lot of experience. Many vets can offer this procedure, but not all may be able to achieve the style you want. Each vet tends to have their own style. So it is best to ask for photos so that you can check the style it has. Discuss the length of the cut in detail with him since, although it is a no-brainer, once the cut occurs the ears cannot be replaced.

And remember: if you are thinking of buying a puppy whose breed is often very common to have its ears or tail cropped, ask yourself first what are the risks and pain that your dog may experience. Perhaps putting it through a procedure of this type just for an aesthetic matter does not make sense. Dogs are to be loved and cared for regardless of their breed and appearance, don’t forget.

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