How To Make Your Dog Lose Weight

How to make your dog lose weight

Making your canine lose weight is an easier task than it sounds, even when many people find it extremely difficult.

And it is that when your little four-legged friend suffers from obesity, it is of the utmost importance to take certain measures to reverse this, since it is no secret that the extra kilos represent a serious inconvenience that can generate numerous problems for their health.

If your partner is not in shape and needs to lose weight, here are some recommendations so that he can achieve it in the simplest and most efficient way.

Take him to the vet

vet and dog

Obviously this will be the first thing you should do, since in this way you can determine with the help of a specialist everything related to obesity that your canine suffers, either how many kilos it should lose, or simply the most advisable options to restore metabolism of your pet.

These two aspects are of the utmost importance, since once you know them you can start the process of thinning the dog without this threatening its health, because when you make it lose weight in the wrong way, you can cause damage that sometimes is irreversible.

When you are with the vet, do not forget to express all your concerns and doubts so that there will not be any kind of inconvenience when you start the new life with your dog, since definitely, to eliminate obesity, important changes in routines and customs are necessary.

Establish a healthy diet

As you might suppose, a healthy diet is essential to make your little four-legged friend lose kilos, so it is essential to reduce not only the amount of food he eats, but also the times he eats, in that case. it is more than three times a day.

Likewise, you should eliminate sweets from their diet, since they are harmful to their health by making them fat and increase the levels of cholesterol in their blood, so you will not have to give them too many, even if it is the reward you give them when they behave. adequately.

To avoid this being very complicated for your pet, it is essential that you replace the treats with foods that are better for their health, such as the following:

  • Mango.
  • Broccoli.
  • Apples
  • Carrot.
  • Celery.

Exercise him to lose weight

exercising for the dog to lose weight

If you have ever heard that canines are very similar to humans, all this becomes more true than ever when you must lose weight, since as with us, the best solution of all is to exercise, since physical activity puts in shape and eliminates the extra kilos.

To do this with your partner, you should take him for a walk and start walking little by little in case you have not accustomed him to this type of activity, so it is best to start from scratch so that you slowly increase the pace and the distances of the exercise.

It is important that when he begins to walk, you do not let him get distracted by objects or people that he will find on the way, since when he loses concentration the little one can stop the exercise and it will be difficult to get him back to the rhythm.

When your canine is not used to doing this exercise, it is important to do some low-effort activity before you start.

Do not forget!

Each canine is completely different, so if you want it to lose weight, it is essential that you take it to the specialist every two weeks, so that it can determine if everything is going well.

Remember that being his owner and best friend, you must be patient and treat him as he deserves, since being a drastic change in his life the best thing you can do is give him all your love.

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