Reaction Of A Dog That Did Not See Its Owner For 3 Days

Reaction of a dog that did not see its owner for 3 days

It is also known that dogs generate very strong bonds with their caregivers, especially with those who feed them or with whom they spend more time.  A dog’s reaction can show large displays of affection after a few days (sometimes hours) apart, so let’s review these reactions and behaviors a little more deeply.

Dogs are very affectionate, although the way they express it will depend largely on their personality and education. Just as there are dogs that tend to jump on people, there are others that are content to wag their tails and approach in a submissive position. Whatever the situation, it ends up being very pleasant and rewarding, having someone wait for us when we are back home. In addition, our dog will always have a good disposition to receive us.

However,  many of the effusive reactions of dogs correspond to states of anxiety or stress that accumulate while you are not at home. Therefore, we tell you some situations to which you should pay special attention.

Separation anxiety

separation anxiety

Separation anxiety is a state of stress that dogs go through when the owner is away from home, due to a perception of abandonment. Once the caretaker leaves the house, even for a few minutes, the dog begins to give alarm signals.

This happens very frequently in pets that are not used to being alone and feel that, by being left alone, their caregiver will not return. Therefore, they go into a constant state of alarm that makes them guard the door at all times, they lose their appetite and develop compulsive personalities.

Separation anxiety can be treated. However, it is best to prevent through education. To prevent your dog from suffering from this pathology, what you can do is not leave it alone for a long time, while it gets used to the fact that at certain times of the day, it will have to stay at home while you are away (for example when you are at work or studying ). Expose him to short periods of a few minutes and leave him something with which he can entertain himself, for example a toy. Gradually increase the time you stay outside, until the dog is able to go a few hours without suffering an episode of anxiety.

High level of arousal when you come back

Something that shows that your dog was anxious when you were away is that he greets you in a too effusive way when you return, even if it was only the time it took you to go to the store. When this happens, the best thing is that you do not stimulate him when he is too excited, it is clear that if it has been several days or weeks since the last time he saw you, be very affectionate, but if only a few hours have passed, the best thing is that wait until he is calm to greet him.

It sounds a bit cruel, however, when you understand a bit of canine psychology, you will understand that when you congratulate or caress your pet when he is excited, you are giving him to understand that this is a permitted state of mind, or at least normal, for which he will associate the excitement, as a way to expel the stress that not being with you produced him. You better learn that you need to be calm and that there is nothing to fear when you are away.


separation anxiety 2

Something very dangerous when a dog does not get used to the owner being absent is that it can fall into states of depression or lack of appetite, which can have negative consequences for its health.

Depression in dogs is a dangerous pathology that can affect their immune system. If you notice that when you are not there the dog stops feeding, it is best to consult a professional to guide you on how to handle the situation.

However, if these episodes of anxiety, stress or depression are not common, and your dog remains generally calm, with the exception of prolonged absences, enjoy the reception he is giving you, try to calm him down and show him with caresses that you you missed it too.

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