Toxoplasmosis In Dogs: Symptoms, Treatment And Prognosis

More common in young, sick or with low defenses, toxoplasmosis in dogs is caused by the contagion of a parasite
Toxoplasmosis in dogs: symptoms, treatment and prognosis

Toxoplasmosis in dogs occurs in the extraintestinal cycle, that is, due to the ingestion of mature eggs of the toxoplasma gondii parasite. This parasite moves into the bloodstream and reaches the organs and tissues. The immediate consequence is an immune and inflammatory reaction.

The dogs most likely to suffer from this condition are the youngest, also those that have low defenses or are sick. Remember that other warm-blooded animals can suffer from toxoplasmosis. In fact, it is proven in cats, pigs, monkeys and in the same human being.

Main symptoms of toxoplasmosis in dogs

There are several symptoms that the animal can present when affected by the protozoan parasite. When detecting one or more of these signs, you should urgently visit a veterinarian. With a few questions and a clinical exam, the professional can confirm what these signals are due to.

Among the most common symptoms of this disease are:

  • Jaundice
  • Seizures
  • Motor coordination problems
  • Depression
  • Body tremor
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Inflammation in the eyes
  • Trouble breathing
  • Decreased appetite
  • Weightloss
  • Fever
  • Paralysis of any area of ​​the body
  • Swollen tonsils
  • Muscle weakness or loss of strength
  • Neurological symptoms
  • Lethargy
  • Pronounced pain in the abdomen

Treatment indicated for toxoplasmosis in dogs

The first measure that must be taken is to take the animal to a professional urgently, since it has to make an accurate diagnosis to assign treatment. In addition, an exhaustive control will be carried out that includes blood, urine and biochemical profile analysis.

To determine toxoplasmosis in dogs, white blood cells, neutrophils, and leukocytes are measured. If all are below normal, it indicates the presence of the parasite.

Pet visit to the vet: German Shepherd

The most reliable are serological tests: toxoplasma antigens are measured to determine the type. Likewise, it allows to detect the level of antibodies that the animal possesses ; With this information, the degree of infectious progression is detected.

If the situation requires a more precise diagnosis, a sample of cerebrospinal fluid is taken. Once toxoplasmosis is confirmed, treatment cannot wait.

The speed with which you act is essential to save the life of the animal. Antibiotics such as clindamycin, trimethoprim / sulfadiazine, or pyrimethamine are given.

The treatment will try to control the infection caused by the parasite, since the definitive elimination is not 100% guaranteed. Indeed, remnants of the parasite may exist in cystic forms and come back later.

Additionally, dehydration with intravenous fluids must be avoided or decreased. One of the goals is to restore the animal’s immune system. It is necessary to avoid that other organs are infected to control the advance; in an acute situation, hospitalization is most likely required.

What is the prognosis for a dog with toxoplasmosis?

The future of the infected animal depends on many factors. The previous state of health, the age of the pet and the location of the parasite are decisive for the prognosis.

Toxoplasmosis in dogs

The most severe cases are those in which the central nervous system is affected, especially in the smallest or weakest in their immune system. At present, there is a chance for a cure with the advancement of antibiotics.

Generally,  in strong and healthy animals an immune reaction is generated that functions as a barrier to infection. In other cases, the situation is resolved with a treatment of two to four weeks. Remember that early diagnosis is always preferable.

Tips to prevent toxoplasmosis in dogs

Toxoplasma gondii is mainly concentrated in cat feces. It is important to control hygiene and the places where the dog circulates. If you live with felines, there must be a different place for their needs; In any case, it is always necessary to maintain the cleanliness and disinfection of this space.

It is also essential that we are responsible with their diet; This is the case of avoiding the consumption of raw meat and meals in poor condition. The container has to be washed with plenty of boiling water daily. It is advisable to offer balanced supplements, which also contain specific vitamins.

These are small cares that guarantee the health of the pet, all accompanied by a lot of love and patience. It is proven that a dog can suffer stress due to its living conditions; This lowers your defenses and puts you in a risk group for these types of diseases.

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