Do You Know Why Your Cat Looks So Much Like You?

Do you know why your cat looks so much like you?

Pets have been shown to resemble their owners. Sometimes they even seem to have the same face. On many occasions we look for similarities between people and their pets. Do you think your cat looks like you?

Your cat’s best choice

When choosing a pet, we usually look for one according to our personality, according to our tastes, needs and preferences. After the election, we will have at home dogs, cats and other animals that are according to us.

A dynamic and athletic person, very athletic, will surely choose a vigorous dog, as is the case with Dobermans.

The opposite is also often the case. That is, if sometimes we choose the closest thing, other times we look for the opposite of our image and personality. This happens because psychologically we are attracted to the same (by narcissism) or the opposite, by complement and curiosity.

The resemblance of your cat to its owner

cat elderly person

It is said that pets resemble their owner, since our companion animals are also projections of our personality. They are usually the image of our preferences, habits and even hobbies.

Cats and dogs

There are people more of cats, and others of dogs. This happens because there are people who feel good about the independent behavior of felines. In contrast, others are more satisfied with the evolutionary need of dogs to belong to a pack.

But there are also those who prefer to have birds, iguanas, lizards and even tarantulas. And it is not by chance, but it is usually related to his character.

Your favorite cat, are you a cat person?

Different studies have shown that people who identify as cat lovers scored high on intelligence tests. They are also introverts and very nonconformist.

You will have a cat if intelligent beings like you go. Also if you enjoy everything that is social, and if you like to think in a divergent and independent way.

Does it have something to do with political preferences?

In the political sense, it is possible that if you choose your cat as a pet you have a tendency towards liberalism. A poll by Time found that liberal people tend to prefer cats as pets.

When people have been evaluated for personality characteristics associated with dominance, it has been found that people who prefer cats have obtained low scores. Otherwise, people with felines often live in apartments and alone.

Statistics about your cat

According to INEGI, a high percentage of people who live with cats are single and live in departments, especially in cities. In contrast, households with dogs tend to live in larger locations, outside of the city. They are usually houses with children.

Cat owners are more adventurous, more open-minded, more creative

It must be remembered that in nature your cat is more hunter and more solitary, and is usually active, especially at night.

The cats are invisible during the day, appear only at night. Although they occasionally engage in social activities or play with people, they do so with limited interest.

In terms of confidence, cat owners prove to be quite confident. People who show high degrees in this dimension are usually recognized as very kind, modest and simple people.

A personality of its own


In the case of dogs, their character is often highly influenced by the type of life or tasks they carry out. The same thing usually happens between people.

In this way, experts point out that those who choose a sheepdog or  utility dog are usually more outgoing, social and talkative people. And those who live with a country dog ​​or educated far from the city, such as a greyhound or a beagle, stand out for being affable and generous.

The owners of dogs of the terrier class, those who offer their work to take care of other people or develop specific tasks, usually enjoy an empathic character, and allow them to better understand the feelings of others.

It is quite normal that when we think about living with an animal, we look for one that looks something like us. Our pet will fit in with the lifestyle we have.

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