5 Breeds Of Terrier Dogs

Although these contained-sized specimens were created to hunt rats and small mammals, they have become popular pets for their temperament and ease of learning.
5 breeds of terrier dogs

Most terrier dog breeds originate from the British Isles and their name, which comes from Latin, means ‘land’. They are animals of medium to small size, with hard and rough hair, and with a restless and energetic character. In this article we will tell you about some of them.

How many breeds of terrier dogs are there?

Created to hunt rats and vermin, the British terriers gave rise to the Americans, with a more combative character. There are now almost 40 breeds of terrier dogs around the world. Among them we highlight:

1. Jack Russell terrier

This breed originally from the United Kingdom is characterized by being always alert, and for being tenacious and independent. Despite its small size, it is a working dog and has a lot of strength and endurance.

The Jack Russell terrier – the photo that opens this article – has most of its body covered in white fur with spots in brown, black or tan in different areas. The ears are ‘drooping’, and it has a short and always erect tail. The coat is thick and waterproof, like most of its group.

2. Bull terrier

It is one of the most particular terrier dog breeds, due to its physiognomy: the head is triangular, as are its eyes. The bull terrier is famous for appearing in books, movies and advertisements and, although it has the same offspring as the pit bull, they are two different breeds.

Bull terrier

Its body is strong and muscular, the coat is short and white with some spots on the head, and the ears are pointed. Regarding his temperament, he is considered balanced, obedient, somewhat stubborn, gentle, intelligent, brave, active and attached to his owner.

3. Yorkshire terrier

This breed emerged after the ‘combination’ of Scottish and English terriers during the Industrial Revolution. Its name derives from the cities of York and Lancashire. Its small size and its long hair of two colors – brown, gray or black, mainly – are its outstanding characteristics.

Yorkshire terrier

Its value and toughness are inversely proportional to its height. The Yorkshire Terrier is a very active dog, loves to be the center of attention in the home and tends to bark quite a bit. To prevent it from becoming a problem, it will need puppy training.

4. West Highland white terrier

This is another of the ‘little ones’ of the terrier dog breeds, which was created in the highlands of Scotland (hence its name), and is characterized by a completely white and ‘woollycoat. In its beginnings, the ‘Westie’ was used to hunt birds, rabbits and hares.

West highland white terrier

The West Highland white terrier is friendly, energetic, courageous, balanced, and sociable. He needs moderate and constant exercise and, if we add to that his size (no more than 10 kilos in weight), we can understand why he is one of the favorites to live in the city.

5. Boston Terrier

The last of the terrier dog breeds on this list is one of those created in the United States, which of course is descended from the British. It is a pet chosen around the world due to its small size (it weighs a maximum of 12 kilos).

Boston terrier

Regarding its appearance, the Boston terrier has a flattened snout, large pointed ears, a compact body and a short tail like its limbs, which are strong. By having short fur and ‘glued’ to the skin, it does not lose too much … Its maintenance is very simple!

Terriers are among the most famous dogs in the world. With their similar characteristics, both the British and the Americans are chosen for their temperament, their size, and their ease of training.

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