Find Out Why Some Dogs Don’t Chew Their Food

Find out why some dogs don't chew their food

All of us who have dogs at home are always struck by the fact that our dog does not chew, but swallows directly. We try to give them the tastiest food possible and nothing, neither tastes it, nor chews it, they just swallow it.

But don’t worry, it is part of their instinct, like wolves do. They eat like this to show that he is the first to take the food and eat more food, so they do not chew it. But they have no problem for not chewing food, your dog is not going to get sick from it.

That is why from My Animals we want you to discover why dogs do not chew their food, also some guidelines so that they eat more slowly and we will also reveal the way that is most beneficial for their health.

Why don’t dogs chew their food?

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It is essential that you know and understand better why dogs do not chew food and do not get sick. They think that it is part of their instinct and it is something that is innate in them. But you have to be careful, because there are cases in which in addition to not chewing, they eat very quickly and that can be detrimental to their health.

In order not to worry, you have to know that a dog’s esophagus is flexible and can increase and expand up to 5 times its size, to allow food to pass in larger pieces without any problem and without causing any disease.

In addition, the stomach of the dog has gastric juices that are very important in this process of digestion. So don’t worry.

When your dog doesn’t chew on instinct

As we have mentioned previously, there are dogs that, in addition to not chewing, eat very fast, which can cause problems such as obesity, since they would eat more food. Remember that dogs no longer live in freedom, nor do they have to fight for food to survive, in these cases it is the owners of the dogs who have to watch over them.

Swallowing without chewing is not a problem, the problem is getting to ingest more than necessary, producing a mismatch between what you eat and the energy you expend. That is why you have to follow some guidelines to avoid that speed and nervousness when chewing.

The risks of eating fast

Our dogs no longer have to fight for survival, so while eating without chewing is not dangerous to their health, they can pose some risks to their body if they eat quickly.

Our pets are already domesticated and if they eat more food than necessary, due to how quickly they eat it, they can suffer from obesity and accumulate more fat than they need, causing serious health problems.

That is why it is necessary that you watch your pet, see how he eats, if he chews food or not, if he eats quickly and nervously, if he eats more food than necessary, etc. It is also important to observe if your dog is gaining more weight than normal.

Slow down your dog and chew food

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It is important that in these cases you combine your feed with natural food, be it chicken, egg, this will reduce the dog’s anxiety during the day by providing serotonin, a great ally to combat nervousness.

It may happen that your dog has this way of eating because of nervousness or stress. So we recommend that you provide your pet with a relaxed environment without screaming, arguing and that tranquility prevails. In this way you will ensure that your dog is not nervous and causes eating disorders.

Provide your dog with the exercise he needs on a daily basis, play with him, take him for a walk and do physical activity during the day, so the dog will have less nervousness when it comes to eating.

Another factor that you have to take into account is the calories your dog eats and does not exceed those he uses. It is very important that your dog has good health and a healthy physical appearance, which you will achieve with a good diet and exercise. To do this, you must control the whims you give your pet.

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