How It Is Correct To Feed Small Breed Dogs

How is it correct to feed small breed dogs

The correct feeding of a dog has to do with several factors: the quality of the nutrients, the age of the animal and, in addition, the size of your furry friend. Small breed dogs need a diet that encourages their rapid growth and provides them with energy in line with their rapid metabolism.

Tips for feeding small breed dogs the right way

Surely, if you have a little one as a pet, you consider him a member of the family. For this reason, you consent to him by offering him the food you prepare for your dinner or lunch and, above all, by giving him sweet things.

But you have to avoid this habit for their sake. This will rid you of possible digestive problems and deficits in your diet. In addition, you already know that what they lack in size, they have plenty of character and can be very capricious.

If you get him used to eating this type of food, it will be very difficult for him to want to eat his food later.

food and dog

As you may have realized by now, your puppy is very selective about food and has a special attraction to tasty foods. For this reason, most owners of small breed dogs choose to give them wet food.

However, as these animals tend to develop tartar on their teeth, which leads to bad breath, it is advisable to alternate this type of food with a dry feed for small animals, since their kibbles are specially formulated to help eliminate bacterial plaque.

Also keep in mind that the croquettes must be the right size so that you can eat them without problems. Remember that their mouth is very small. The vet will know how to tell you which is the best option.

If it is in the measure of your possibilities, buy your dog I think high-end. Being a small animal you should not buy large quantities.

Most likely, what you spend on his diet you will save more than avoiding unexpected visits to the vet. Also keep in mind to store the food in a cool and dry place.

In addition, it is necessary that you adjust the nutrient content of the feed rations that your dog eats. This will prevent them from being overfed and fattening or from having nutritional deficiencies. Once again, the vet will be the one who knows how to advise you on these issues.

Keep in mind that, due to their high metabolic rate, these little ones have to eat more calories – in proportion – than the larger breed. However, you must bear in mind that their stomach is very small and that, in addition, they eat very quickly.

For this reason, it must be fed more frequently. Ideally, you should provide small servings spread over up to five meals a day and include high-quality protein.

This way you will receive the adequate amount of amino acids to keep your vital organs healthy.

A matter of size

maltese bichon

We tell you other details about feeding small dogs.

  • They are animals that eat, in proportion, more than the large breed.

Taking the Yorkshire as an example :  an adult animal, weighing two kilos, has to eat about 55 grams a day of good quality feed, while a Mastiff weighing 80 kilos does not eat 40 times more, but reaches about 780 grams a day .

  • The metabolism of a small dog works at a higher rate than that of a large one.

This occurs, in part, because it is more difficult for you to keep your body temperature stable and defend yourself from the cold or heat.

  • If a small breed puppy does not receive enough calories, he runs the risk of hypoglycemia which, if not corrected in time, can lead to death. Pay attention to the following signs:
    • Lethargy
    • Soft spot
    • Muscle tremors
    • Seizures
  • Small dogs tend to be long-lived. When your pet reaches old age, add antioxidants to its diet. On the market there are also specific food options for small-sized elderly dogs.

    So, recapping, remember not to spoil your puppy by giving him food and treats outside of the indicated diet. If you want to pamper the little one in the family, do it with pampering, games, walks and toys.

    So you can enjoy the company of your furry friend for many years.

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