A Puppy Triumphs As An Air Traffic Controller In The United States

A puppy succeeds as an air traffic controller in the United States

As everyone knows, the dog is an incredibly intelligent being that can develop in different jobs, however being an air traffic controller has been one of the jobs that nobody expected to see him awarded.

It turns out that to the surprise of strangers themselves, this difficult task is carried out by a beautiful canine in the United States, and far from not having good performance, this little four-legged friend has been more than successful in his work.

In this article we will talk about his incredible story, which shows how man’s best friend can also sometimes be his best employee.

An amazing canine

The protagonist of this incredible event is Piper, a beautiful Border Collie breed dog, who is seven years old and is the true idol of the Cherry Capital Airport in the city of Michigan, where he works as an efficient air traffic controller and of fauna.

When people see it, they think that it must be a joke or the recording of a humorous movie, since it seems that he is the one who is going to pilot the planes when they see him wearing special glasses to protect his sight and a helmet to protect your ears from the very loud noise.

However, far from this being what this beautiful canine really does, his job at the airport consists of chasing the birds and any other small animals that are in the flight path of the artifacts that arrive and leave the runway, for what he is one of those who ensure that nothing serious happens during takeoffs.

An efficient air traffic controller

According to those who live with him, Piper is a true worker who is dedicated to always doing a good job to receive the affection and rewards of his bosses, whom he loves very much and respects them as if they were his lifelong relatives.

Likewise, it is important to point out that this beautiful canine was very well trained by members of the airport to be able to carry out its work in said place, with strong emphasis on its obedience in control without a leash, since as is obvious, for what makes Piper necessary to have a lot of control over himself.

In the same way, in addition to controlling the wildlife of the place, this dog is a great air traffic controller who knows how to monitor the perimeter of the area, impressively determining the presence of holes in the fences, which can be very dangerous. at airports.

Well deserved rest

Like a human being, this four-legged companion is one of those who, although they can work tirelessly, need a good rest to regain the energy that, no matter how much they do not feel, they usually lose with so many hours of non-stop work.

However, Piper has been reluctant to this, since even when it is a job, he has fun like few doing what he does and receiving the affection of all the people at the airport, so he is a being in love with work .

Unfortunately for his tireless desire, this puppy has had to take his rest after breaking one of his legs while chasing a white owl on the airstrip, which is one of his favorite prey.

According to one of his trainers at the airport, Piper will be able to return to work in a very short time, since the recovery is better than expected, so it is expected that this incredible air and wildlife controller will be with his companions a lot Sooner than later.

Without a doubt, the intelligence and capacity of canines is something that goes far beyond what anyone can imagine.

The latter is so indisputable that there are those who claim that instead of robots, humans could in the future use dogs for certain tasks.

Image source: www.lavanguardia.com

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