The 6 Bases Of Canine Psychology: Understand Your Dog And Control Bad Habits

The 6 bases of canine psychology: understand your dog and control bad habits

There are many owners who complain that their dog ignores them, does not come when they call or has bad behaviors such as destructive attitudes. However, many times what happens is that the owners ignore the foundations of canine psychology. Therefore, to help you correct some attitudes that your pet may have developed and prevent you from having problems with it, we teach you the six bases of canine psychology.


People, as social beings that we are, have the need to share and establish relationships with others. But in addition, this need transcends species, so it is not limited exclusively to human beings.

This constitutes the fundamental basis of the process of domestication of companion animals. However, this relationship is sometimes so close that  humans replace the place of their fellow human beings with that of animals, so that the dog becomes their main social bond. This is particularly evident in dogs, where the relationship can become as close as that between parents and children.

Thus, the domestic dog bases its social relationships on the basis of the relationship with its master. The relationship with its owner will be especially important as it conditions the rest of the relationships that the dog has with other people and animals. Hence the importance of dedicating quality time to the pet through games, caresses, a good education, education and socialization.

The ties with the owner will cause the dog to develop certain types of behaviors, which can be good or bad. Excessive affection, nervousness, aggressiveness or the development of destructive behaviors are directly related to the bonds that you maintain with your caregiver.


To understand many of the habits of dogs, it is convenient to know canine psychology

In order to have a healthy dog, it is necessary to expose it to other people and animals. Dogs are social beings that need to be in the company of others of the same species once their vaccination schedule is over.

Dogs need to socialize not only with others, but also with strange environments. In this way he will know how to behave, for example, when you go out for a walk, in front of the noise or when you drive him. Many of the behavior problems of dogs are related to the lack of socialization; That is why it is better to work on this aspect from an early age and as long as they are supervised by their owners.


Because dogs are descended from wolves, they have a  need to create a hierarchy of power within their immediate social circle. That is why, through domestication, they have assumed a submissive role within the household hierarchy. It is important to maintain the subordinate position of your dog to avoid that the animal begins to quarrel with you in the home in the struggle for power.

His past

Dogs act in a certain way because their psychology allows it

Another aspect that pertains to canine psychology is its past. The pet’s past is important because it will give you an idea of ​​the origin of many of its behaviors and will help you correct those that are problematic. For example, a dog that has lived on the street, that has suffered abuse or that has had some kind of deficiency, will present attitudes that are possibly reflected through stress, depression, an excess of attachment to its caregiver, aggressiveness or the possessiveness of objects, people and food.

In addition, many behavior problems stem from health problems, so if you notice sudden changes in your dog’s attitudes and you notice things like discomfort or pain, it is best to take him to the vet to find out what may be happening to him.


Part of the possessiveness problems are due to the fact that the dog at some point in his life has suffered from hunger or has not socialized well while eating. Feeding your dog several times a day a rich and varied diet will avoid many inconveniences, including getting bored of always eating the same thing.

The race

Remember that, when it comes to understanding canine psychology, the first thing you must understand is that the dog is trained and not the breed. Pet education and mental health issues apply equally to all breeds. Exercise, affection, food and socialization are the fundamental bases to have a balanced and happy dog.

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