Why Doesn’t My Cat Use The Litter Box Correctly?

Why doesn't my cat use the litter box correctly?

The cats are known to be extremely clean animals and, indeed, they are. They get into the good habit of using the right place to relieve themselves regularly. However, there are some who find it more difficult. It is a serious matter since, if we do not remedy it, it can jeopardize our coexistence with the pet. That is why we are going to explain in this article what may be the reasons why your cat does not use the litter box properly.

I have a problem: my cat does not use the litter box

We said that it is essential to find a solution for our cat to use the litter box again because, otherwise, coexistence could be at risk. It would be very stressful to have to constantly be behind our cat cleaning his stools. We would end up getting angry with him and even giving him away. It may seem impossible to you, given the bond you have with your animal, but better not to test yourself. If it is any consolation, according to a study by Cornell University (United States), the misuse of the litter box by the cat is the most frequent problem that the owners of this animal have.

Physical issues so that the cat does not want the litter box

sand for cats

If your cat has been using the litter box normally, be aware that something has altered its behavior. It can have a physical origin. In fact, about 7% of pets of this type have some kind of kidney disease that would cause them to not control their urine. He will show pain at the time of urination with his gestures, so it will not cost you to realize it. Maybe in your mind you relate both things, sandbox and pain, and stop using it.

Another possibility is that you have diabetes, which leads to more frequent urination. Nor can we rule out that our cat has arthritis and therefore it is more comfortable not having to go up to the litter box.

Psychological reasons why the cat does not want to use the litter box

Sometimes the origin is a situation that causes stress to the animal and breaks its habits. A change of housing, the arrival of a new member of the family, human or animal, or even our own nervousness, can lead the cat to a state of anxiety that makes it difficult for him to control where and when he bowels. In this case, there is no use punishing him, it will only increase his stress.

More reasons why the cat does not use the litter box

cat sand

It is very common for the cat to decide to mark its area so that other animals do not approach. For your pet it is a way of saying to the rest of the animals, with whom they live or perceive close, that it is their land and that no one can enter it. Both males and females do it and the solution is to castrate the animal.

The sandbox situation may lead you not to want to use it. For example, if we place it in a remote area of ​​the house, such as the basement, to avoid odors, or in the laundry room, with all its noises. The animal may feel scared. We will notice it if you are looking for sheltered places to relieve yourself, such as under the bed or inside a closet. It is best to put the litter box in a place where you feel most comfortable.

As they are very clean animals, they will not use the right place if the sand smells bad. Knowing how to clean your cat’s litter box is essential to avoid it. If you are able to perceive the bad smell, imagine your cat. So  change the litter at least every other day or when it smells unpleasant. We give you the best tricks against the bad smell of the sandbox.

It is important not to change the type of sand you use, as they will figure it out. This article will help you, Cat litter: choose the most suitable one. If you have more than one, each cat should have its own litter box. You may also find it useful to place their food in the place they have chosen to use for urination or defecation, or even the litter box itself.

Check with your vet and be patient. You will see how soon your cat uses the litter box correctly.

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