Animals Begging For Food Is It Familiar?

Animals begging for food. Is it familiar?

They may use pitiful howls, put their trunks on your leg or pat you with their paws, pets will do anything to get your attention when they are asking for food. You will even be surprised by the number of domestic animals (and others not so much) that have this habit, pigeons, pigs, cows, horses, eating near an animal can end up becoming a situation, in addition to being funny, very uncomfortable. Let’s look at some of the funniest situations of animals asking for food:

Animals ask for food, they look you in the eye and then to the floor

There is nothing sadder than the eyes of an animal, begging you to throw a piece of that succulent piece of meat that you are about to put in your mouth. Mammals have gestures that are very striking to us, and much of our communication with them is derived from the way we identify them. Fear, joy, curiosity, many domestic mammals are capable of communicating a large number of emotions through their eyes, and when they are hungry or simply craving what you are eating, they will most likely let you know.

Babas … The inevitable saliva

This in addition to being unpleasant can be very funny, although not all dogs drool when they ask for food, this varies significantly depending on the breed. A few years ago I had a boxer named Zeus, usually we did not give him food while we were at the table, however he kept watching us from the kitchen while rivers of thick and hot drool ran from his cheeks, sometimes it was so abundant that giant bubbles were made and we had to take turns cleaning his cheeks, the floor and (if he had shaken) the walls.

Howls and grunts

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One of the elements that man has preserved in dogs as a form of communication is the use of barking and howling. In fact , wild canines, such as wolves or foxes, do not use barking to communicate with each other, it is more a way that puppies have to indicate to their mother where they are or if they are hungry, however as they grow they stop using them because they are no longer needed.

Therefore your dog will howl, growl or bark to indicate that he is interested in what you are eating. Basically this is one of the customs that most disturbs pet owners, however it is a behavior that can be corrected.

They touch you or climb on top of you

Cats tend to be a bit more invasive when it comes to asking for food, this is because they do not occupy the submissive role that dogs do and will not hesitate to approach, even climb on the table to try and grab a piece of food. whatever you are eating. Luckily for cat owners,  this is not a very common habit and is more likely to occur in an animal that has received very little education. In general, the cat will approach you and give you a touch with its little hands, with its head or rub on your legs to indicate that it is hungry … Be careful, sometimes when you are not paying attention, cats can bite to claim you.

Some dogs tend to put their head on your legs and look you straight in the eyes with a “I’m starving” face, cute in general, although a disaster for your pants.

How to avoid this behavior

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It is well known that many of the customs that our pets have are acquired or learned through poor teaching processes. The most effective way you have to prevent your pet from asking for food is simply not to give it, ever. By giving him food while you are at the table or enjoying a snack you are giving him to understand that these spaces are conducive for him to receive food, therefore he will begin to use all the resources he has in order to obtain it (I know of cases of pets that they even pee to get attention). The problem with this behavior is that it ends up becoming annoying and, once you get into the habit, it is very difficult to eliminate completely.

Therefore, what we recommend is that you reach a consensus with your relatives and with the people who visit your house, in which you indicate that it is not allowed to feed your pet. In addition to this, you can eat a much more controlled diet, which is good for your health.

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