5 Animals That Jump Higher

Mammals, amphibians or insects move in this way, either by their own physiognomy, or by the way they hunt or feed
5 animals that jump higher

Will it be a mammal, an insect or an amphibian that wins the competition of the animals that jump higher? In this article we will tell you what are those species with the ability to make jumps of several meters or dozens of times their size.

What animals that jump the highest exist?

Each of the following species are on this list because they have earned it; With different techniques, and especially because of their physiognomy, these are the animals that jump the highest. Do not miss them!

1. Puma

The mountain lion – the photo that opens this article – is a native American carnivore, the largest feline in the entire continent and which can adapt to many ecosystems. It mainly feeds on ungulates, but if food is scarce it also ‘accepts’ insects or small mammals.

This large animal is an expert ambush predator; it hides among the trees and waits for hours for the right moment to jump on the prey, which it accurately bites on the neck. Of great strength and vigor, the puma can jump 12 meters horizontally and four vertically… Its hind legs are very powerful!

2. Kangaroo

Among the animals that jump higher could not miss the kangaroo, a jumper par excellence. Like most marsupials, it has two very well developed hind legs – unlike the front legs, which are short and thin – that allow them to jump to reach greater distances in less time or to escape danger. They cannot walk and yes or yes they have to jump!

Australian kangaroo

Despite this type of movement, kangaroos are very fast and can reach 70 km / h in short distances. And in terms of height, they effortlessly reach three meters to overcome certain obstacles. It is worth noting that the tail is used as a third leg and helps them to advance with greater speed and strength.

3. Tree frog

Within the large family of tree frogs, we will highlight the red-eyed green one, which lives in Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela. As its name implies, it draws attention for its strident colors of both the body and the pupils. What’s more. it has three toes on each leg, well separated from each other.

Poisonous tree frog

This amphibian is nocturnal and spends a lot of time among the leaves and branches, where it feeds on insects and protects itself from predators with a toxin produced by the skin. Females are larger than males, and can jump up to 150 times their body size thanks to their powerful back legs that fully stretch.

4. Grasshopper

Celifera are a large family of insects popularly known as ‘grasshoppers’, characterized by their short antennae and large eyes. They are herbivores and in many cases considered pests for crops.

Grasshoppers: feeding

Thanks to their strong and long hind legs, they can jump up to 20 times their body length ; In addition, they have two pairs of wings, but only use the rear ones to fly if necessary. Another inherent characteristic is that they make loud noises by rubbing their wings against the femurs.

5. Flea

Finally, in the list of animals that jump higher we could not leave out a parasite so hated by those who have pets at home. The flea has very well developed hind joints, which allow it to jump up to 40 times its size and thus move from host to host.

Flea: bite

Fleas basically jump to survive: each time they do so they bite the skin and draw blood from their host. The most curious thing about its jumping mechanism is that its legs have spines to hold onto and, when these are ‘released’, the animal is catapulted into the air.

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