Your Dog Doesn’t Trust You When You’re Angry

Your dog doesn't trust you when you're angry

Has it happened to you that your furry does not want to obey you if you ask something angrily ? Well it seems that, despite the famous loyalty that dogs have with their owners, this reaction is absolutely normal. The data corresponds to an investigation that indicates that a dog does not trust his master when he speaks to him in anger.

What was the study on the distrust of dogs

The study was carried out by psychologists from Brigham Young University (Provo, Utah, USA) and published in Magazine Animal Cognition. The experts concluded that when the owner is irritated in front of his pet, he presents doubts about whether he should obey him.

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To reach these results, the professionals carried out experiments that allowed them to analyze the responses of the dogs to positive and negative emotions.

For this reason, the owners were asked to indicate a place for their dogs to explore and bring them a specific object. In one case, people had to address the animals in a good mood. In another, they had to modify their tone of voice, showing anger.

The dog does not trust people who speak to him in anger

When comparing the results, the psychologists found that the dogs delayed longer or simply did not comply with the order when their owners showed anger. In other words, they didn’t want to risk entering an unfamiliar area because their masters weren’t inspiring them with confidence.

Thus they concluded that The way in which people address their dogs – affective or aggressive – influences the exploring behavior of furry dogs.

There seems to be a scientific endorsement for what we always say in My Animals and you must laughs know from experience. In life, nothing good is achieved with mistreatment. But with patience and love, anything is possible, be it pets or people.

For this reason, If you want your dog to trust you and be obedient, treat him with affection. Keep in mind that they are animals capable of perceiving your moods very well.

Dogs use previous experiences to determine if a person is trustworthy

In the same sense that the investigation of psychologists from Brigham Young University, long ago the result of a study had been known that indicated that dogs can perfectly distinguish between happy or angry human faces.

Furthermore, an experiment carried out in the Kyoto University in Japan has shown that dogs use their experience to determine if people are trustworthy.

To demonstrate this, they used 34 animals to whom they pointed out different things in three stages:

  • First stage: they indicated where there was food hidden in a container.
  • Second stage: they were shown an empty container.
  • Third stage: the same person marked a food container with his finger.

Conclusions of the Japanese investigation

In the last round, the dogs did not respond to the instructions, since the person was no longer reliable to them.

Thus, the scientists were able to show that the dogs used previous experience to determine that this individual no longer inspired confidence because they had previously given false information.

When the person giving the instructions was changed, the animals regained confidence.

If the dog does not trust its owner, it can present behavioral problems

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About the study, specialist John Bradshaw, a professor at the University of Bristol (UK), pointed out that dogs prefer things to be predictable. When something becomes irregular, they look for an alternative. Additionally, when uncertainty arises, they can:

  • Get stressed
  • Become aggressive.
  • Feel fear

For this reason, dogs whose owners are ambiguous when communicating with them often have behavior problems.

So do not hesitate, treat your furry with love and respect and you will have by your side a faithful, happy animal with full confidence in you.

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