Animal Rights Organizations Seek To Ban Upcoming Chinese Dog Meat Festival

Animal Rights Organizations Seek To Ban Upcoming Chinese Dog Meat Festival

There are many legends related to the food served in Chinese restaurants around the world and jokes are even heard that there are no dogs or cats left on the street. This may be funny until we know the harsh reality and the degree of certainty this has regarding dog meat. 

Today we tell you about a festival that has been held in China since 2010 and that activists are trying to stop year after year.

The dog meat festival in China

perros para el festival de carne de perro 2

There are those who say that eating a dog is like eating any other animal and that all are barriers created in our mind as a result of the upbringing and the way of life that we have had. Others see cruelty in this situation. We, My animals , are not going to get anywhere, we will only limit ourselves to reporting on an event in China that activists want to stop: the dog meat festival.

This festival was established in the country in 2010 and according to the beneficiaries, the restaurants in the area, it is an event that extols the Chinese cultural value.

Every summer (it is celebrated on June 20), this festival slaughters between 10 and 20 million dogs to feed all those residents of the town of China and also those who visit it with the sole purpose of tasting its meat.

At least 10,000 dogs are euthanized in the interior of the Guangxi region alone. Many of these dogs are stolen from their homes and taken from their owners and end up served on a plate that the highest bidder can taste.

This festival has become so controversial that the local government has prohibited its workers from going and limited the size of the event.

How do they treat animals?

Many might think that if it is the cultural barrier that makes us reject this type of meat, but in China it has always been eaten (therefore they have no cultural barrier in this regard), why do activists want to stop the festival of meat dog in the Asian country?

The answer is simple: the treatment received by the animals. According to them, this festival was not created at all to promote the culture of the country but to fill the pockets of restaurant owners at the cost of breaking these rules:

caged dog

  • The “journey” of animals. The dogs that are going to be cooked in this festival are transported in small cages in which 6 or 7 animals come very tightly as if it were vacuum packed. During the process they are not fed nor do they have water.
  • Those who arrive alive are beaten. Hitting them with a stick creates fear in dogs that raises their adrenaline, something that according to restaurants makes dog meat much tastier.
  • Steal dogs. Although dog meat has been eaten in China for years, there are still many Chinese who love dogs only as pets. This is not a problem, until due to the lack of canines for the dog meat festival, they steal these beings, depriving their owners of their friends.
  • Lack of food regulation. In this festival of dog meat, sanitary measures are minimal, endangering everyone who eats it. Activists feel they treat dogs badly not only when they are alive but also when they are dead.

The activists, taking advantage of the voice of local governments, which although they are trying to wash their hands have taken measures in what concerns them most, they want this festival to stop taking place now. His fight is to ensure that this June 20 no Chinese eat dog or cat meat in the country. Will they get it? That remains to be seen, but what does seem clear is that they are not going to stop until they get them.

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