How To Choose A Good Hotel For Dogs?

How to choose a good hotel for dogs?

Despite the fact that there are many PetFriendly establishments, as this is a modality that many commercial establishments have adopted, it is still difficult to go on vacation with our pet. But don’t worry, for this there is what is called a hotel for dogs.

We are going to tell you what it consists of and we will give you some tips so that you can choose the best one and you can rest assured during your holidays that your pet is well cared for.

What is a hotel for dogs?


A hotel for dogs is a place where our pet can stay during our vacations. These differ greatly from nurseries, since these, which were the only existing until now, are only responsible for giving the basics to our animal: food, water and a short walk for their needs.

However, this concept, for the good of our pets, has changed a lot. Hotels for dogs are prepared to meet the personal needs of our pets, beyond just the necessary ones.

Although there are different categories, most hotels for dogs offer you:

  • Individual rooms. Your dog will not be caged as might have been the case in a shelter or daycare. You will have your own room in which to roam freely and with a small area for your needs.
  • Hairdressing service. Your dog will be well cared for by professionals who are located in the canine hairdressers of the most specialized hotels for dogs.
  • Home collection. There are hotels for dogs that offer home pick-up and delivery service, so you won’t have to worry about a thing.
  • Web surveillance. The most sophisticated ones offer a web camera service that you can choose from wherever you are to see your pet through your mobile device or computer, as long as you have an internet connection.
  • Spa and others. In the most luxurious we will find veterinary services, spa, massages and other care that we would already like for us.

How to choose a good hotel for dogs

Knowing and knowing what a hotel for dogs can offer us, we are going to take action: choose one. How can we succeed so that our pet feels comfortable and is also well cared for so that we can be calm while we are away from it?

Know the facilities

Although the Internet offers us endless possibilities and we can see any establishment online, there is nothing better than live contact. Go to the hotel and see the facilities. This is important, because when you see them in person you will know if they meet the required safety and hygiene standards.

You will be able to see the space that your dog will have to live, as well as the play areas and the type of food that they will give him.

Meet the staff

Do not settle for just seeing the place, talk to the staff, find out who is in charge of walking or feeding the dogs and, if you have the opportunity, talk to a client out there about the service they offer in the place and their degree of satisfaction. There is never a better reference than that.

Take your dog

Go with your dog before leaving it there. Let him loose a bit to see how he feels, reacts, and takes a close look at how the staff treats him. See how he acts in the presence of other furry animals and take him to the play area to see if he feels comfortable.

Know the itinerary

Talk to the staff about the times for meals, games and outings that they have marked and see if they adapt to the needs of your pet. If they don’t have an itinerary, they aren’t organized and it doesn’t seem very trustworthy, try not to leave your little friend in such a place.


Know the requirements

It is essential that before leaving your dog you require all the vaccinations and deworming required by law. Why? Because if they do it with you it will mean that they do it with everyone else and, your pet will not be safe and sound and free from being able to get any disease from another dog.


Make sure the dog hotel you choose has a 24-hour vet service. You never know when an emergency can happen to your pet or another that could harm.

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