An Indian Saved For 10 Years To Buy An Ambulance For Homeless Animals

An Indian saved for 10 years to buy an ambulance for homeless animals

Of all the injustices that domestic animals tend to experience, not having a home is one of the most terrible, since they need a place where they can share with their owners and develop their lives. But stories like this man, who bought an ambulance for animals to help them, are comforting.

Far from being an isolated problem, it is a situation that unfortunately is becoming more and more common in many parts of the world, due to the disinterest that many people feel towards them.

The good thing is that within the bad there is always a small space in which goodness dwells, transforming itself into an exception that manages to make a difference and become a role model.

This is what we will talk about in the following article, the story of a man with a heart the size of the sky, and with a love for animals that is unique and unmatched.

Ten years of savings

veterinary cat 3

It is about Balu, a young Indian who had worked for many years, not only in order to be able to pay all his expenses and maintain himself in the most dignified way possible, but also, as a good business person, to invest the money saved in something that can translate into higher profits.

However, not being completely sure what he wanted to do, this good man also had the idea of ​​spending the money on something that could help him do good, in a way in which he could improve the lives of other beings who they needed someone who could give them a hand.

Homeless Animal Ambulance

The decision of this young man born in India was made, he wanted to help homeless animals that were injured, to take care of them and take them to the corresponding veterinarians to save their lives.

To achieve this, Balu bought a bank van and turned it into a kind of ambulance for animals, especially dogs and cats, who lived on the street or had been abandoned by their owners, and thus be able to provide them with transportation to a veterinary care center. , in a transport that had all the necessary comforts.

For this, the young man not only had to invest money to properly equip the interior of his truck, but also learn the basic notions of first aid, since he knew that it made no sense to do all this without knowing how to attend to the dog or cat that rode in his vehicle.

What is a real irony is that Balu was one of those people who was afraid of dogs, however, noticing how in his country these animals are frequently mistreated and abandoned, he decided to dedicate his life to the rescue and care of those who were in such situation.

Infinite goodness

Unable to maintain the animal ambulance on his own, this young man has chosen to transport some people’s pets to the vet, charging as little as Rs 16 per mile.

In this way you can properly maintain the vehicle, in order to help all those who are on the street and need to go to a specialist to treat a health problem, or simply a shelter where they can be confined to be treated as they deserve.

Opinion division

Autor: Juanedc
Author: Juanedc

Like all great work, what this young man did, far from going unnoticed by the inhabitants of the town of Balu, has generated a veritable sea of ​​opinions.

And it is that although it seems crazy, in addition to the infinite praise and words of thanks that Balu has received, there are some people who hate what he does, since they consider it stupid to be helping stray animals.

What is indisputable is that in this world we need fewer homeless beings, and many more people like this man who does a great job with his animal ambulance.

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