Flower Therapy For Your Dog

It is a natural treatment without contraindications, and it does not produce side effects; it can be used to balance the dog when his mood is negative
Flower therapy for your dog

Like humans, dogs also experience sadness, depression, fear, and stress. And the mood determines their behavior. To help them balance and achieve emotional well-being, flower therapy is currently being used.

Treatment based on flower essence, known as Bach flowers, is a natural and effective way to combat negative feelings and be in harmony.

In dogs this flower therapy is as successful as in humans. Even more, because they do not have prejudices, nor do they rationalize the treatment. What is flower therapy? What are the benefits of this therapy in dogs?

What is flower therapy?

This type of therapy is based on the administration of an infusion of essences of 38 natural flowers that were diluted in different liquids, to achieve their durability.

Flower therapy has no contraindications as it is a gentle treatment, which does not cause any harm to the animal. On the contrary, the benefits on the dog are immediately apparent.

Benefits of flower therapy for dogs

Dogs express their feelings through their behavior. Perhaps faced with a sudden change in their routines, the dog appears aggressive, downcast, sullen …

Flower treatment for dogs.

If these changes in his personality are noticed, in the first place, he should go to the veterinarian, so that he can rule out any physical cause that may be affecting the pet.

Once diagnosed, the same professional will indicate how to start flower therapy according to what the dog needs ; You can also refer him to a specialist in alternative pet therapies.

Sometimes, it is also necessary to include some behavior modification sessions in the treatment, when the dog is aggressive and disobedient to the orders of the owner.

Behaviors that can be treated

Flower therapy is useful for modifying and balancing the following behaviors and emotions of dogs:

  • Fear : when the dog has had situations of abandonment, mistreated or was locked up, it usually expresses fear of human contact.
  • Stress: manifests itself through obsessive and repetitive behaviors after a sudden change, or in response to the owner’s mood.
  • Disobedience : dogs often show their nervousness by disobedience to their owners; it is a way of channeling excess energy.
  • Aggression : a dog is aggressive due to several factors, including negative moods that destabilize its behavior such as violence, isolation or neglect. With this aggressiveness, it is usually extremely dominant, with problems of living with other pets or children.
  • Depression and sadness : Due to loss or for no apparent reason, a dog exhibits self-destructive behavior or exaggerates its coat. Perhaps he is very attached to his owner, suffers every time he is left alone or appears listless and without appetite.
  • Traumas : after a surgical operation, illness, separation accident or any traumatic circumstance, the dog appears insecure, fearful or disoriented.

In general, these are the most frequent behaviors; Each dog is different and can show that it undergoes a change in its normal state of mind in different ways.

However, you will always notice negative changes in your usual behavior. This will be an alarm signal that has to motivate the owner to request a consultation with the veterinarian.

Flowers and dogs

How to administer flower therapy to the dog

First, the specialist will make a diagnosis based on the behavior of the dog to determine what emotions lead him to act like this and what is the reason.

The owner is interviewed exhaustively to rule out traumatic situations  for the dog, but which are considered ‘normal’; It is the case of a move, the arrival of a baby, a divorce, the death of one of the owners, etc.

Administering the drops

The administration of the treatment is simple. The drops can be placed on the animal’s back, head, directly in the dog’s mouth or diluted in the drinker. The usual dose is four drops, four times a day.

Either way, the dog is very sensitive to this therapy thanks to its great sense of smell – the key to treatment –  and the positive results are quickly appreciated.

Flower therapy for dogs is as effective and recommended as for humans; it has no side effects. However, it should not be forgotten that it is an alternative therapy. Some negative canine behaviors must be eradicated with obedience classes and other methods that the veterinarian may indicate.

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