The Oldest Dog In The World Dies

The oldest dog in the world dies

Although we would like our dear four-legged friends to be with us forever, it is a fact that dogs live, at most, about 15 years. And while the improvement in the quality of life can make us both humans and pets longer live, we are still surprised to learn that a furry one, for example, exceeds two decades. Even more surprising is the news that, at the age of 30, the oldest dog in the world died.

C Find out who Maggie was, the bitch who lived the longest

Maggie was an exemplar of the breed Kelpie Australian , that he domiciled at Woolsthorp e, a small town from Australia , next to a family of farmers dedicated to the dairy industry. The dog, even if He already showed some ailments of age – vision and hearing problems – he was active up to two days before death. He was still walking and did not forget to bark at the Many ga coughs who lived with her on the farm.

Maggie’s departure occurred while she was sleeping in her basket, according to her owner, Brian McLaren. And, despite the sadness he feels, the man considers it good that the demise of the can It was in this way and not in a more traumatic way.

McLaren also indicated that although the animal was considered the oldest dog in the world, he does not have the documentation to certify it. But he is very clear that the dog came into their lives as a puppy, when his son Liam, who is now 34 years old, was four.

Why Maggie can’t be officially considered the oldest dog in the world

fallece el perro mas viejo del mundo 2
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D what McLaren states that lost The documentation that would attest to Maggie’s age, until now, remains a companion of hers, named Bluey, who holds the title of oldest dog in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records.

It’s about a Australian Cattle Dog that died in 1939, to the 29 years and 5 months , who is reported to have been tending flocks of sheep for more than two decades .

T Guinness also records the case of Pusuke, a dog Japanese who lived 26 years and 9 months So what, Until the day before his death, which occurred in 2011, he showed a good appetite and took his daily walk. I Even in 2008, despite his advanced age, he had successfully recovered from surgery after being run over.

How are the Australian Kelpies

P So that you know a little more what kind of dog Maggie was, t e we have some characteristics of these herding dogs originally from Australia.

  • They weigh between 15 and 22 kilograms.

  • They have a height of between 43 and 55 centimeters at the withers.

  • Their double-layered coat can be black, reddish, bluish or fawn.

  • its character it is friendly and are easy to train.

  • Possess Lots of energy and they are always alert.

  • Are int choosy and hardworking.

But in addition to their work as sheepdogs, they are often used successfully for search and rescue, guidance, and drug detection.

Give your furry a good life without counting the years

The truth is that when we really love our pets and make them part of our family, no matter how much we want them to live forever, we really significant it’s all the love we can give you s and what will we receive from her s , without to import the number of years that share with us.

Anyway, yes always comfort us to know stories of dogs that, despite the logical drawbacks of the old age, they live a good life until their last scam me ment and they go quiet while they sleep.

And it is also good to learn to let them go in peace and have a clear conscience that we did everything necessary to give them the best we could to make their existence happy.

If you want to see some images of Maggie, click on this video.

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