Useful Information About The Ground Hedgehog

Useful information about the ground hedgehog

Intelligent like hamsters, ground hedgehogs are an excellent pet that more and more people choose every day. They can learn various commands or commands and their temperament can be shaped through interaction with their owner. Then we invite you to know it.

Characteristics of ground hedgehogs

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  • The ground hedgehog is a small and lightweight pet, requiring about the same amount of space as a guinea pig. They are very silent, therefore it is an ideal animal to live in an apartment. The only sound you will hear is his training wheel. This is an object that, without a doubt, you cannot miss inside your cage.
  • This type of specimen does not require much maintenance. Therefore, just having the cage cleaned once a week is enough for the animal to grow up healthy and comfortable. Perhaps there may be some that are more messy. If so, pay attention and ensure that your home is always in very good condition.
  • Hedgehogs are also very clean animals that do not usually have strange odors as ferrets can. The key? A healthy and balanced diet. These naughty little ones don’t have dandruff either, as is the case with cats, dogs or other types of animals. In that sense, they are the best option for those people who may suffer from some type of allergy.
  • If you have a pet hedgehog you will notice that they are very nice and friendly animals. They can be a good company for boys or girls over 10 years old. As they are not rodents, they have no propensity to bite, gnaw or destroy their environment.  They are not aggressive animals and, although they have spines, they only use them when they feel scared or nervous, and they do it to protect themselves.
  • Under the right conditions, hedgehogs can be a great tool to stimulate learning and are often very good as therapy animals.
  • In terms of health, it is a strange thing for a hedgehog to get sick frequently. Just taking him to your vet once a year is enough.

People who are looking for an exotic pet are drawn to hedgehogs, for their uniqueness, curiosity and cuteness. But… these little ones don’t have any kind of negative aspect?

What else should you know about ground hedgehogs?

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  • Some are of the opinion that hedgehog spines can be a disadvantage. However, it all depends on the contact that the owner establishes with the animal. Many complain that these specimens are not too much fun, but it will depend on each specimen, so it cannot be generalized. It has been proven that these pets can learn the odd trick and that they are usually somewhat affectionate.
  • Its nocturnal nature may not help much in those owners who tend to be aware of their pet’s cuteness all day. In fact, in the morning and afternoon they tend to curl up and doze.
  • Some hedgehogs are said to be in a bad mood but, as with other animals, this is unlikely to be a rule. In reality its character will depend on how the specimen has been socialized.
  • These animals are happy in warm temperatures. If you live in a very cold area, you would need to provide additional sources of heat, especially in winter.
  • In some countries, ground urchins have been banned because they are considered exotic and in danger of extinction.  Before adopting these little ones, find out well about the local legislation that exists in this regard.
  • As we have already mentioned, a ground hedgehog does not need too many hours of maintenance. However, your space must always be clean and you must have the necessary accessories so that you do not get bored. In order for you to be in good health, your diet should be based on fresh food, and from time to time the odd bath does not hurt.
  • Your cabin should always be clean and your bowl should never lack fresh water.
  • Your little friend’s diet may include insects, bird eggs, and food specially designed for these types of specimens.

Finally, as with other types of animals,   hedgehogs can be wonderful pets if their owners provide them with everything they need to meet their needs.

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