What Fruits Can A Canary Eat?

The fruit is an essential component in the diet of mammals, birds and many other animals. Canaries are no exception to this general rule.
What fruits can a canary eat?

The fruits that a canary can eat are varied and provide a great variety of nutrients. Each of them will be part of the bird’s diet, always taking into account a series of factors intrinsic to the animal.

Despite this, do you know which are the fruits that a canary can really eat? If the answer is no, don’t worry. In the following lines we tell you what fruits you can offer your canary regularly so that it is happy and has a robust immune system.

Some details about the feeding of the canary

Birdseed is the first thing that usually comes to mind when you think of canary feeding. However, the diet of this bird must be made up of a greater number of foods to be balanced.

Therefore, below we indicate those foods necessary to build the menu of a strong and healthy canary. Among all of them, fruits are an indispensable component in the bird’s diet.

A canary with a branch in its mouth.

Digestive system

The digestive system of canaries prevents them from storing large amounts of food. This is the reason why they must feed continuously throughout the day.

However, this routine will vary if the feeding administered is commercial or prepared food. In the case of prepared meals or the different plants that can be offered to the bird, these should be consumed during the first hours of the day.

In the afternoon, you must wait for sunset to feed the canary again. Above all, the hours of exposure of the food to excess heat, such as midday, should be avoided. In this way, the meals will not lose their nutritional value after being exposed to different factors. Among these factors is not only the sun, but the climate and humidity, among others.

What fruits can a canary eat?

Among the different fruits that a canary can eat are some of the best known, such as the following:

  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Bananas
  • Blueberries
  • Mango.
  • Cantaloupe.
  • Watermelon.
  • Peach.
  • Raspberries
  • Persimmons
  • Figs
  • Plums
  • Apricots

However, many more are included, some not as typical as guava and others common such as strawberries or figs. It is interesting to know that garlic or lemon can even be administered to the bird, since both act as disinfectants. Specifically, lemon can be used to sanitize the water that canaries drink from.

What do fruits bring to the canary?

The different fruits that can be administered in the canary’s diet provide a large amount of nutrients. Specifically, vitamins and minerals, which are essential for its development. All these nutrients are beneficial for the shedding and maintenance stages of the animal. In addition, they also influence the breeding period of these birds.

Thus, by combining the seeds with other types of food, the nutritional deficiencies of the animal are reduced. In this way, their behavior will be optimal and natural while their plumage will be more shiny and lustrous. Everything is benefits!

Can you serve them as sweets?

In addition, the fruits can be administered to the canaries as prizes or treats. They are a healthy reward to congratulate them on a good behavior or action.

Not only fruits such as those described above can be administered as prizes, as nuts are also included in this group. In this way, raisins, dried figs or dates will be an ideal treat for canaries.

How is it included in the diet?

The selected fruit or fruits can be included in a very varied way in the different daily meals that the animal makes. One of the most common methods is to cut them into small pieces and add them to the food bowl, along with the birdseed.

However, you can also cook a nutritional cake that is made up of seeds, fruits and vegetables. Either of the two types of administration is suitable for consumption.

Despite this, for canaries that are pets, it is recommended to include birdseed in their diet. In addition, fruits and vegetables such as apple, banana, carrot or spinach should also be added separately, in large pieces between the bars of the cage.

When can you not eat fruits?

Although the benefits of the fruit for canaries have already become clear, there is an occasion in which its consumption is discouraged, during the administration of drugs, specifically.

Typically, the drugs are administered through the canary’s drinking water. If fruit is also provided, the animals will be less thirsty and the intake of the medicine will not be able to be properly regulated.

The same applies to the supply of vegetables in the diet: during the administration of drugs it should be reduced. In this way, the canary will need to consume water and will take the medicine dissolved in it in the indicated amounts.

What other foods make up the canary’s diet?

However, not only must the fruit be present in the canary’s diet, but other foods are necessary. Among them we find different vegetables, wild seeds and herbaceous plants.

What fruits can a canary eat?

In conclusion, we can summarize that canaries can eat a wide variety of fruits. Of course, the most appropriate thing is for the tutor to offer the animal the fruit of the season of the place where it lives.

Although food is a relevant factor, environmental enrichment should not be forgotten for the well-being of the canary. A combination of various dietary and emotional factors is what will allow the canary to be happy and content throughout his life.

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