Leaving Pets In Cars Can Be A Deadly Problem

Leaving our pets in cars, even for five minutes, generates a lot of stress, anxiety, dehydration and even causes death. We must not do it anymore!
Leaving pets in cars can be a deadly problem

“It will only be five minutes”, “it is not so hot” or “I leave the window a little open” are the most common excuses for owners who leave pets in cars. But did you know that this habit can kill them? We will tell you more in this article.

Leaving pets in cars is not paying attention to them

It does not matter the time of year or the outside temperature, nor the time it takes you to do that procedure or purchase … Pets in cars suffer a lot and can even die. Yes, even if you leave the windows a little open in your absence.

Many dog ​​owners are unaware that the vehicle can become a death trap for animals. Even those who consider them as a member of the family … because if we leave them in the car, even for a few minutes, we are ‘putting them at the height’ of a bag or suitcase.

We must be responsible for our pets and offer them the best. If for some reason they cannot get out of the car, or someone else stays in the vehicle or we change plans, and before making the purchase we take them home. But for nothing in the world can we leave them in the car without supervision.

Why can’t pets be left in cars?

It is not about a whim, nor is it about considering the abusive owners of animals for this decision … but about informing about what happens to the dogs when they are left alone in the car.

Leave pets in cars

The first factor that we must take into account is the temperature inside the vehicle. With the windows closed and unaware of the sun, the passenger compartment can raise its temperature several degrees compared to the outside. And it doesn’t make much difference to leave the windows ‘a little open’ like some owners do when they leave their dogs inside.

Animals do not regulate temperature in the same way as people ; in the case of dogs, they breathe and pant faster when they are hot. And it takes them much longer to feel fresh than we do.

In addition, they cannot carry a bottle of water to drink anywhere, and it is likely that when they are left in the car they will not put a container for them to drink either.

Based on that criteria, we could then leave pets in cars in winter. However, other things happen beyond the physical. We refer to stress and anxiety.

These two feelings appear when the animal is left alone, either at home or elsewhere. We must bear in mind that the notion of time for dogs is not the same as for people. They do not know when we will return to ‘rescue’ them or keep them company.

Dog locked in car

That ignorance turns into palpitations, barks, howls and despair. If the animal goes from one place to another in the car, its body temperature will increase.

This increases the chances of suffering from dehydration. .. another reason why we do not have to leave pets in cars. And there is even more, since dogs depend 100% on us in that situation; that is, they can’t open the door and get out or start the car and go home without us.

Leaving pets in cars is irresponsible

It may sound harsh, but it is the truth. Always imagine that a dog is like a small child. Would you leave your child alone in the car while you do the shopping? Of course not … Then you shouldn’t do it with your pet either.

It is true that you can take the child to the supermarket without problems, but dogs are not allowed in certain establishments. So the best way to fix it is to take the way back home, leave the animal in a well-known and airy place, and then go about its chores.

And if you see a dog locked up in a vehicle, you first have to locate the owner and, second, call the police. Pets are living beings that deserve our respect. Leaving the dog in the car is an irresponsible act that can lead to death. Do not do it please!

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