How To Raise A Puppy That Has No Mother

How to raise a puppy that has no mother

If you find yourself in the situation of having to raise a puppy that does not have a mother, do not despair. With patience and dedication, you will surely be able to bring your furry forward and provide all the necessary care for him to grow up healthy and happy.

First recommendations for raising a puppy

whine puppy

Keep in mind that a healthy puppy :

  • He is chubby and strong
  • Doesn’t whine excessively
  • Sleeps most of the time

So, to achieve a successful breeding of the orphan dog, you must take into account these 4 pillars :

  • Proper nutrition
  • Hygiene
  • Regulated temperature and humidity
  • Disease prevention

Raising an orphan puppy is a beautiful challenge that you can carry out with patience, dedication, and love.

How to feed the puppy

In order to meet the nutritional needs of the animal you must use a special milk for orphaned puppies. You can buy any of the different brands that are marketed or you can also make a homemade recipe.

In any of the cases, do not forget to consult the veterinarian for advice on the correct way to feed the shag according to its size, breed or physical conditions.

To supply the milk you can use:

  • Bottles (specially designed for puppies or, failing that, those used for premature babies)
  • Syringes
  • Drippers

Tips when feeding the puppy

The first three days of life, the puppy must be fed every 2 hours. Then, you should do it every 3 hours, until he is one week old. Thereafter they should eat every 4 hours during the day and once more at night.

From the 3rd week, the dog can begin to eat food soaked in milk, although you should continue with the bottles. During the 6th week, you will begin to eat solid foods.

Also, keep these topics in mind:

  • The milk should be stored in the fridge and supplied warm. What you do not use after 48 hours, throw it away
  • Wash and dry the bottle before use
  • Burp the animal during and after feeding, as you would a human baby

How to help the fuzzy to relieve himself

A newborn puppy must be stimulated to urinate and defecate, since the muscle that performs these functions is not yet developed. That is why bitches lick them in the area of ​​the anus and genitals.

In the absence of the biological mother, you should gently rub the puppy with a moistened cotton ball, before or after feeding it.

After 21 days, the animals will begin to relieve themselves.

A puppy must grow up in a warm environment

Autor: Scott Kinmartin
Author: Scott Kinmartin

A baby puppy does not keep heat well. That is why you must provide an environment with the appropriate temperature and humidity. You can use extra caloric sources such as a lamp, a hot water bottle or bottle, or an electric blanket. Of course, take special care that it does not burn.

In addition, it is of the utmost importance that you keep it isolated from the cold of the ground and away from drafts. And, of course, you should provide him with a comfortable and clean bed so that he can rest comfortably.

So that he doesn’t feel lonely and cry accordingly, you can place a hand clock inside his bed, as a way to simulate his mom’s heartbeat.

Other issues to consider when raising a puppy that does not have a mother

Puppies are at increased risk of infectious diseases, such as distemper and parvovirus, especially if they did not receive colostrum from their mother’s milk. Therefore, it is important that you monitor their general health and that you comply with the vaccination plan indicated by the veterinarian.

Also keep the following issues in mind when caring for the orphan puppy:

  • Stimulate him mentally and physically. Wake him up to eat and to play.
  • When he can stand on all fours, stroke him from head to tail simulating the mother’s licking. This will make it easier for you to learn to walk.
  • Early socialization is recommended. From the 5th week on, you should start to get used to the usual movements and noises in the house and to the presence of other people and animals.

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