How To Feed Our Rabbits The Right Way

How to feed our rabbits the right way

For those of us who are adults today, for many children too, choosing a rabbit as a pet was surely motivated by a movie. We refer to Bambi, in which one of its protagonists was one of these adorable animals. He was very cute but, at the same time, somewhat pedantic. Whatever the reason, what is clear is that it is a great choice. If you are thinking of having one, or if you already have one,  surely you are interested in knowing how we have to feed our rabbits in the correct way.

Rabbits a pet for everyone

We will start by saying that having a rabbit at home is a good decision. They are loving and docile, up to a point. We can keep them in a cage, although it is convenient to release them under control so that they can exercise. They also adapt to smaller homes. They are also the most suitable pets for the little ones in the house and for the rest of its members. Their care is not very complicated. We must take into account the main aspects of rabbit hygiene and, as we will see below, follow some basic rules regarding how to feed our rabbits. For the rest, it  will give you many satisfactions.

How to feed our rabbits

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  • Know their needs. You should know that the rabbit, unlike other rodents, has two pairs of upper incisors, which are always growing. For this reason, it is essential that they can chew enough so that they wear out. In addition to food, it can help them to give them a piece of wood so they can chew on it. They are herbivores, so forget about including meat and other types of food that do not have a plant origin. Of course, do not forget that, like all living things, they need water. Make sure they always have this drink at their disposal and change it at least every two days or when necessary.
  • Quantities. Although it is always relative, a rabbit needs 150 grams of hay per day, at least 30 grams of feed and 100 of vegetables for every kilo of weight. If you don’t feed it, you have to make up for it with the other two foods. The best way to know if we are feeding our rabbits properly is the scale. Have your vet tell you what his ideal weight is and try to maintain it.
  • What does hay contribute to our rabbit? Helps you take care of your digestive system. It also contributes to the wear of your teeth, which, as we already know, is very important. It has to be the basis of their diet.
  • What greens and vegetables to choose. In general, you have a wide range to choose from.

The best are:

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  • Carrot leaves
  • Peppers
  • The chard
  • Endives
  • Endive
  • The cucumber
  • Beets
  • Celery
  • Canons
  • Watercress
  • Green beans, but without seeds
  • With more limitations you can give it:
    • Spinach
    • Lettuce
    • Broccoli
    • Tomato
    • Cabbage
  • Avoid cauliflower, onion, garlic, and potato.
  • Should I give him fruit? There is no problem with giving him some fruit from time to time, but see how they feel, as they can cause diarrhea. Even so, a moderate amount is recommended due to its sugar content. Nor is it good that we give him those nuts that have a shell, such as pipes.
  • I think. It is a complement to their diet, we can even do without it. Whenever we choose to incorporate it into your diet, we must ensure that it is high in fiber. It is better to avoid the ones with seeds, bet on the pellets .
  • Forbidden food. In addition to those mentioned, it is not good that we give our rabbit any kind of dairy, or legumes or, of course, not those foods that are for other animals. Not precooked either.
  • Do you really like carrots that much? As we said at the beginning, the idea that many of us have about animals is marked by what we have seen on television. But we would be surprised to learn the lies about animals that cartoons have spread. One of them is, precisely, that rabbits go crazy with carrots. Something that is partly uncertain. They like them, but it is not their favorite food. They tend to prefer green leafy ones.

Now we know how to feed our rabbits. It is time to put it into practice.

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