5 Ways To Make Your Cat Love You

Cats are very loving animals. Find out how to make your cat love you!
5 ways to make your cat love you

Despite what many people think, the cat is not a surly, lonely and independent animal. In fact, it is the opposite: felines are social animals that need the stability of the group in which they live to be healthy and happy. Therefore, you can not only make your cat love you, but you must work to achieve it.

To begin with, it is important to know that social behaviors in cats are different from those of dogs and that we cannot expect the same responses from both. In addition, each feline is a unique individual, with a defined character according to many factors such as age, the life experiences it has lived, the environment that surrounds it, the race, the prevalence of any disease, etc.

If you want to make your cat love you, from My Animals we offer you some tips so that you can achieve it.

To get your cat to love you, respect his personal space

Humans are very tactile beings and we need continuous contact with the members of our social group. However, cats do not require such direct and continuous physical contact. However, as we said, each cat is different, and some will tolerate more approaches than others.

You will first have to observe and study your kitty to determine what degree of contact he prefers. Once you meet him, respect him. It is better that he is the one who comes in search of approaches and not the other way around. This is one of the best things you can do to make your cat love you.

Girl hugging cat

Take time each day to play with him

For your cat to love you it is important to create a good bond with him, and one of the ways you have to achieve this is through play. First of all, we should never play directly with our hands, because cats, when raised alone, do not learn self-control well and could harm us. In addition, playing with your hands can cause you to look for us in this way whenever you feel like it.

Find a toy that will keep the cat entertained away from our hands. For instance:

  • Throw little balls of paper.
  • Toys with stick and rope.
  • Interactive toys that require our presence.

When we play with him, we can also offer him edible treats – when the cat does not have weight problems – to make the game much more motivating.

Never scold him

Although it can be done, teaching a cat what to expect when we say “no” is difficult. The short domestication of the cat has not been directed, as in the case of the dog, to satisfy human needs. Therefore, scolding a cat can be highly frustrating for him and, in addition to not achieving the expected results, the feline can direct a certain resentment towards us.

Affectionate owner with his cat

Find moments of calm to be together

Cats spend most of the day sleeping or dozing. Something we can do to make the cat love us is to spend this time with him while we do some little annoying action, such as reading.

It is very likely that if we spend a while reading, as we will transmit tranquility, the cat will want to lie down next to us. Of course, there are many other activities that we can do slowly; just find the one that best suits you.

Promote a calm environment for your cat to love you

Closely related to the previous section, a calm environment is essential for the good mood of our pet. A noisy environment, with an excess of auditory and visual stimuli, can be very disturbing for your cat, which would prevent the correct evolution of your social relationship.

Work on making your home a placid place where the cat can be. In addition, with this, the chances of behavior problems in the cat will decrease.

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