How To Properly Stop A Dogfight

How to properly stop a dog fight

When we see two animals that are fighting, we despair and want to separate them as it is. However, this can have negative consequences for both them and us. That is why in this article we tell you how to properly stop a dog fight.

Tips to stop a dog fight

dog fight

First of all, it would be nice to know how to avoid a dog fight. We must observe the interaction that the furry have with each other, if they are getting more and more nervous, if they grunt or show their teeth or if instead of playing directly they attack the neck. In these cases it is essential to take our canine on a leash to quickly get him away from the place.

Many times the games go from calm to rough, other times two males face each other in search of demonstrating their leadership, there are also fights for food, for a female or for the puppies. People want to help them to separate but sometimes we end up hurt. Pay attention to the following recommendations to stop a dog fight:

1. Calm down

This is essential because your nerves do not allow you to think or act well when facing a dog fight. Most dogfights last only a few seconds. Therefore, resist the urge to pull on the collar. Instinctively the animal can turn and bite you. So better take a deep breath and count to 10 before intervening.

2. Make noise

A good technique to separate two fighting dogs is to scare them. This way they will pay attention to something else and stop biting or growling. You can yell, clap your hands, stomp on the ground, or bang two metal cans against each other.

3. Wet them

Water captures the attention of dogs and also many of them do not like being wet very much. You can use a hose, a glass, a bottle or whatever you have on hand (if you go to the park, for example, always carry a bottle of water with you, especially if your dog is fighting). A “bath” will not hurt them and will prevent them from fighting any further.

4. Put up a barrier

Look around you for something that can help you separate them, such as wood, a large piece of cardboard, a long stick, or the lid of a trash can. Anything that serves as a shield for your arm (so they won’t bite you) and that at the same time leaves them apart from each other.

5. Throw a blanket

If one of the furry cannot see his opponent, he will stop fighting. Also, the other will avoid the attack because he does not understand what is happening. You can use a blanket, a coat, or anything that is made of opaque material. The dog that is covered will use its energy to get rid of the fabric that imprisons it, and meanwhile the other can be withdrawn by its owner or distracted to take it elsewhere.

6. Pull the tail

Be very careful with this action because perhaps instinctively the animal manages to bite you. The good news is that it is an effective technique to stop a fight. Pull the tail hard back and up, but not so hard that it hurts. Remember that in the tail there are bones and nerves connected to the spinal cord.

7. Use your legs

dogs fights

You don’t have to hit the dog hard to separate it from a fight, but you do have to move it with some energy to stop the confrontation. This technique is allowed if the person is wearing thick pants and shoes (because the leg is likely to be the target of some bite attempt).

8. Last resort: use your arms

If none of the above works, or if you don’t have some of the objects that can be used to separate the dogs on hand, then use your arms. Raise the animal’s hind legs like a wheelbarrow and move it away as fast as you can.

Once you have achieved that the dogs are separated, you must keep them at a certain distance for a while. This will prevent them from fighting again.

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