How To Feed A Swallow?

Feeding a swallow is a complex task, as these animals are eminently insectivorous. Here we tell you how to do it.
How to feed a swallow?

Swallows are beautiful open-country birds, with an admirable ability to create their homes in human-made structures. In the same way, they build their nests with little clay balls that they collect from the barns, giving them the shape of a cup. It should be noted that, in these nests, swallows reproduce and take care of their young.

Swallows have the characteristic of being very active and resistant birds, they usually fly in groups and usually go hunting in pairs. In addition, their way of eating has contributed to making living with people a normal and everyday circumstance. Still, do you know how to feed a swallow?

How to identify a swallow

To identify a swallow from other birds, look at the following characteristics:

  • It is a small bird. Even so, adult males measure between 14.6 to 19.9 centimeters in length and weigh around 16 to 22 grams.
  • These birds generally have a metallic blue upper part and the forehead, chin and throat are reddish in color.
  • The feathers, along the end of the upper part of the tail, are presented with lines of white spots.
  • The females look similar to the male, but differ in that the tail feathers are shorter. In addition, in them both the abdomen and the chest are pale.
  • Swallows young have brown and tail feathers are not as long as that of adults.

A sitting swallow.

Where do swallows live

The topic of knowing how to feed a swallow is approaching, however, it is important to know its natural habitat. These birds are constantly changing places to live, as they adapt easily to different environments. In addition, they can fly freely through the fields and also roam urban areas, to build their nests on the roofs of houses.

In general, swallows will stay longer in places where there is a lot of vegetation, forest and water sources. In this way, they guarantee their survival, since they can have a good source of food. In the same way, they will obtain food from humans, since in some countries the coexistence between swallows and people is common.

How a swallow feeds

Swallows have a peculiar way of feeding: while they are in flight they digest their food, without having to stop to do so. On the other hand, the main diet of the young is flying insects, which are hunted by the parents when they are close to the ground, taking them with their beaks.

After feeding the insects they hunt to their young, swallows discard the leftover pellets, which are usually the legs and wings of those insects. The moment you eat your food, your metabolism processes that food quickly. Therefore, swallows must be eating several times a day.

How to feed swallows

Now that you know what these birds are like and how they eat, it is time to learn how to feed a swallow. Trying to turn a wild animal into a pet is strongly discouraged, but sometimes you have to take care of an orphan chicken or a damaged adult. Keep the following tips in mind:

  1. The fact that swallows have insects in their diet does not mean that they can be given these dead animals, since swallows hunt them alive. In other words, it is always better to obtain fresh prey, as long as it does not pose a threat to the animal.
  2. Once the swallow is in charge of the temporary guardian, its live food must be purchased in specialized stores for birds or exotic animals. The tenebrios, crickets and honey worms are suitable options.
  3. Another option is to buy pasta for insectivorous birds. In any case, it will always be appropriate to use live insects and more natural nutritional sources.
  4. Small swallows can be given certain supplements, such as crushed boiled egg. This is an accessory energy source that can help the chicken grow.
  5. Food can be chopped and made into a porridge with water. In addition, a vitamin complex can be given to the pups, but not before consulting the mixture with the veterinarian.

Swallows way of life

Swallows do not tend to stray very far from their nests when they go out to look for food. In addition, they are birds that find reed beds in good taste, since they are an important source of food and the abundance of prey helps them to replenish their fat reserves. In the same way, eating well allows them to survive on their migratory flights.

When swallows migrate north for reproduction and distribution, they gain 2 to 4 grams in weight. This way of life leads us to question whether it is convenient to domesticate these birds or whether it is better for them to develop their existence in their natural habitat.

Swallows are animals that migrate.

Beware of stray birds

In many cases, human beings take young birds home with the intention of caring for them. This tends to do more harm than good, as most chickens are learning to fly and are not really neglected.

The recommendation will always be to place the animal in a hedge or similar formation – a safe and low-rise place – and observe if the parents come to it. If this has not happened after 2 hours, it is best to call a public body that manages the care of native fauna. In other words, taking a chicken home will always be the last option.

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