8 Ways Dogs Improve Our Health

8 ways dogs improve our health

A good number of people have a pet in their home. Most of these pets are dogs and cats. Different studies carried out have shown that dogs improve our health. So the furry ones are the ones that contribute the most to the welfare of the human being.

Ways dogs improve our health

  1. Decrease the risk of heart disease

Dogs improve our health by preventing heart attacks. This is indicated by several official studies. Having a dog at home, it will be necessary to take it out for a walk daily. In other words, this simple physical activity prevents heart disease.

In addition, pets improve people’s mood. The caresses and affection towards them, combat the stress of the person.

Some experts recommend walking at least three hours a week with the pet. So that way you will be preventing all kinds of heart accidents.

  1. They help reduce stress levels

When stroking the pet, the human body releases oxytocin. This hormone is related to emotional stimulation. In other words, spending time with the animal will improve the mood of whoever does it. In this way, the stress levels of the person will decrease.

Walking a dog, playing with him, or just being by his side can be very positive. By caressing our friend every day, we will improve our health, physical and emotional.

  1. Lift your spirits

There is much evidence that those who have pets are happier. Dogs and cats help lift the spirits of a sad person. This is why spending time with your pet releases serotonin and dopamine in the human brain. Do not forget that these hormones are related to happiness and pleasure.

Pets are wonderful company. Many people feel safe, happy, and sheltered having a dog at home.

  1. They help strengthen the immune system

Living with a pet from an early age keeps allergies and asthma away. Children who live with pets from an early age develop a stronger immune system. They are also less likely to suffer from respiratory diseases. So having a pet at home will give you vitality and stamina.

  1. Pets help people with diabetes

People with diabetes experience drops in blood glucose. Some dogs are able to detect this imbalance. It is a chemical alteration, detectable for certain animals. So it should not be forgotten that furry people are very intuitive and intelligent.

There are foundations that train dogs for this type of case. Animals detect low glucose levels and alert their owner.

  1. Animals increase life expectancy

As we can see, pets bring great benefits to their owners . People who have an animal at home are happier, healthier and live longer. Dogs improve our health, and lengthen life.

For lonely, introverted people, and with socialization problems, they are ideal. This is the case of older people, autistic children, etc. An animal can make a difference in someone’s life. They improve concentration and social interaction.

  1. Therapies with dogs

Today, dogs are trained to help children with certain disorders. There are many ongoing programs in hospitals, schools, etc.

Every day a pet needs to go for a walk, be fed and sanitized. These types of routines are perfect for children with disabilities. They help improve concentration, and stimulate the cognitive system.

  1. Social relationship

Pets are a good resource for social stimulation. By taking a dog for a walk, we will be able to interact with other animal owners. For a child, there is nothing better than going for a walk with your pet. It is a powerful therapy, which enhances attention and socialization.

Today, we are all very dependent on our mobile devices. We check the messaging on our smartphone when we walk, go on the bus, etc. Hence the importance of having a pet. Going for a walk with our furry friend gives us the chance to meet new people, talk and interact with our neighbors, etc.

Dogs in a park are the perfect excuse for problems such as difficulty making conversation with other people. Little by little, day after day, bonds of cordiality will be formed between the different owners of the pets.

Main image source: Hugo A. Quintero G.

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