Children And Dogs: A Responsibility At Every Age

Children and dogs: a responsibility at every age

No child should be prevented from spending his childhood in the company of a domestic animal. Beyond the fact that they will have a great ally for their games, the benefits that these beings bring to the little ones in the house are many and good. Among them, they allow you to teach them the sense of responsibility.

Children and dogs, an ideal combination

dog boy

Although there are different options when acquiring or adopting a pet, children often express a desire to have a dog.

We will tell you, then, how you can explain to your child the meaning and scope of the word responsibility towards the furry, depending on their age.

Thus, the little one will learn, gradually and always with the supervision of an adult, to take charge of different tasks in relation to their pet.

“The dog teaches the child fidelity, perseverance, and to go around three times before going to bed.”

-Robert Benchley-

Teach your child to respect and care for their dog

From a young age, you must explain to your child that his dog is not a toy. You have to teach him that:

  • Your four-legged friend is a living creature that should not be hurt or treated violently.
  • Their food, health and hygiene needs must be addressed.
  • You have to respect the times when the animal does not want to play. There is no need to disturb him when he sleeps or interrupt him when he eats.

Responsibilities for each age

Although children are not all the same and each one matures in their own time, your power of observation will allow you to determine how far you can go by imposing responsibilities on your child with their pet.

But, as general rules, we can point out that:

1. Up to six years you can ask him to help you give food and water to his furry or brush his hair. The little ones love to get involved in these tasks that should always be supervised, to avoid that both the infant and the dog can get hurt.

2. Between the ages of seven and eleven you are in a position to perform some simple tasks. For instance:

  • Change the drinking water
  • Measure the daily dose of food
  • Wash the bowls
  • Take care of brushing the coat

3. From the age of twelve onwards, your child should already be able to take charge of the daily care of his pet. This is also the right time for you to learn how to walk your dog, leading him correctly on a leash.

What advantages does growing up with a dog bring to your child?

In addition to fostering responsibility by learning that they must take care of the needs of their four-legged friend, children who own pets gain other benefits.

Pets help them:

  • Stimulate the senses
  • Improve mood
  • Develop empathy
  • Promote self-esteem
  • Promote their social integration
  • Enrich your non-verbal communication
  • Be more intuitive

Other benefits of growing up with pets

dog and children

It has been found that children who live with pets since birth, have a stronger immune system and develop fewer allergies throughout their lives.

Pets also contribute to the psychomotor development of babies, stimulating them to crawl and also to take their first steps.

In addition, having a dog to play with will keep your child away from sedentary activities – television, computers, video games, etc. – and will keep him physically active, both inside and outside the house while he plays or walks with his furry.

Educate your child by example

So don’t deprive your little one of the joy of growing up with a pet. Children and dogs are the ideal combination for a happy childhood. But the responsibility of taking care of your furry’s needs should never be off the agenda.

However, for your child to learn to be responsible with his pet and become a committed adult in all aspects of life, you must also educate him by example.

Beyond your advice and your explanations, if you show yourself as a responsible person with your family, your work and with pets, surely your little one will do the same.

Image courtesy of nicolas michaud.

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