What Care And Attention Does An Adult Dog Require?

What care and attention does an adult dog require?

And yes, it is a fact. Your cute puppy has become a Mr. Dog. It had to happen. But just because your pet is now a full-fledged dog does not mean that you can detach yourself from their care and attention.

It is a lifelong commitment that must accommodate the characteristics of each stage, you know that. And the same happens if you just adopted an adult specimen.

Needs of an adult dog

dog bath

The beginning of a dog’s adulthood varies by breed. Small dogs usually reach maturity at 9 or 12 months; the medium, from 12; the big ones, at 15 and, the giants, around two years.

We will tell you some details on how to face different issues now that your dog has reached adulthood.


The socialization and training of a dog lasts its entire life. And, while it is true that an adult specimen can be more antisocial than a puppy, it is also true that it learns faster and has a greater capacity to assimilate what we teach it.


Do not forget the daily exercise quota for your dog, either in the form of a walk or by letting him run and play in a safe place.

Remember that a sedentary lifestyle can end up contributing to the appearance of diseases and behavior changes. If an animal does not exercise enough, it tends to become restless and irritable. And it also increases your weight.


Although they want to convince you otherwise, dogs should not be bathed very often, to avoid damaging the protective layer of the skin and coat. Extend the bath-to-bath period to at least a month.

You have to  use a shampoo indicated for dogs. Do not use a human one, as it is designed for a different pH and can cause irritation. Avoid getting water in his ears and soap in his eyes and keep him away from drafts.


If its type of coat requires it, don’t forget to brush it either. Unkempt and knotted hair favors skin infections and the proliferation of external parasites.

Health and nutrition care

dog eating

Even if your pet appears healthy, never take anything for granted. In adult dogs, for example, cysts can be common.

It is important that you observe him periodically and carefully and, if there is any indication that something is wrong, take him immediately to the vet. Some signs that should alert you are:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Water rejection
  • Sudden or progressive increase or decrease in your weight
  • Slowness or refusal to play or exercise
  • Too frequent or too little urination
  • Bloody or loose stools
  • Diarrhea
  • Persistent vomiting
  • Excessive salivation
  • Irregular breathing
  • Dull skin

Be sure to stick to your vaccination schedule. This is a good excuse for the vet to also check his general health.

An adult dog has to be revaccinated every year for its entire life. And the deworming must be periodic, since it is constantly exposed to acquire parasites.

The eggs and larvae live in the places that your pet frequents, generally during his walks : the street, the squares, the gardens, the dog parks.

You should also control external parasites, especially fleas, because they harbor tapeworm larvae that, when ingested, complete their development cycle within the animal’s body.

Also consult with the vet about the nutritional needs of your dog at this stage. He will know how to advise you taking into account size, breed and lifestyle.

Ideally, the so-called best friend of man, feed twice a day throughout his adult life. In this way you will avoid the risk of an overload, which can cause your stomach to twist.

It is also essential that you always feed it at the same time. This way you will make it work like a watch and you will know when he will make his bowel movements, allowing you to organize his walks and other activities.

But the most important thing of all is that your dog always receives caresses and loving words from you. In short, love him very much, regardless of whether he is a puppy, a young adult or an old man.

Featured image courtesy of Roiz Roiz.

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