Tips To Protect A Dog From The Sun

Why protect a dog from the sun? Because dogs are susceptible to sun damage. Excessive exposure can lead to burns and skin cancer in our friends.
Tips to protect a dog from the sun

Many times we wonder how necessary it is to protect a dog from the sun, because after all they have their coat of hair. The truth is that dogs that have thin, irregular, or even light-colored fur, can get sunburned.

Regardless of coat or breed, all dogs need sun protection on exposed areas like the nose, ears, and belly. Also, like people, repeating the application throughout the day is critical for effective protection.

When protecting a dog from the sun, which sunscreen is ideal?

Surely, the first question that comes to your mind is: is it necessary to buy special sunscreen for dogs or do you share yours? Dogs need sunscreen specially formulated for them. Non-greasy aerosol protectants are commercially available.

The use of sunscreen intended for humans is not recommended for dogs. This is so because they contain some of the ingredients, such as zinc oxide and para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), which are toxic to dogs if they lick the product. In a pinch, baby sunscreen will do the trick.

It is important to note that the lighter the dog’s skin and coat, the higher the SPF to use. In general, the minimum for any dog ​​is SPF 15.

During application, make sure to avoid getting it in their eyes. You should apply it frequently, especially during peak sun hours and after swimming.

It ‘s also a good idea to test sunscreen on a small area of your dog’s skin before applying it everywhere to make sure it doesn’t irritate him.

As a precaution, before using sunscreen on your dog, check with your vet to make sure it is suitable for your particular pet.

Dog on a surfboard

Why protect your dog’s belly?

Canine bellies are particularly susceptible to sunburn because dogs have thinner hair on the belly. In addition, we must bear in mind that UV rays are reflected from sidewalks, beach sand and other surfaces, and can easily burn your pet’s tender belly.

Excessive sun exposure can induce sun dermatitis; burns can also cause pyodermas or skin infections. In the long run, and in worst cases, skin burns are a major risk factor for canine skin cancer.

If your dog adores the sun and loves to sleep on his back, be sure to apply sunscreen to the armpits and other exposed areas of the bottom.

Minimize exposure

Keep your pets indoors when the sun is strongest. This is usually between 11:00 and 15:00, but obviously it depends on where you live. A good rule of thumb is that if it’s peak tanning time, it’s not when you want your pet outside.

Wear special clothing with sun protection

If your pet seems to love the beach, and always wants to lie down in the sun, consider wearing protective clothing. If clothes. Currently, there are several companies that manufacture sunscreen pet clothing. You can also dress him up in a light t-shirt to help cover his hairless belly.

Dog wearing sunglasses in the pool

Provides shade

This is a no-brainer. When you decide to spend the day outside, find natural shade in the area, provided by trees or buildings. If there is no natural shade, bring an umbrella.

What can you do if your dog gets burned in the sun?

Move him to a shady or indoor location as soon as possible and apply cool compresses to his skin. See your vet if his skin looks very red or blistered.

In short, make sure you follow these precautions on your outings with your friend. Protecting a dog from the sun is better than treating burns, especially if you have a pet at risk of skin cancer.

Also, keep an eye out for suspicious skin lesions and take your pet to the vet if you have any concerns. Let’s keep in mind that early diagnosis of skin cancer can lead to a better prognosis. Protect yourself from the harmful rays of the sun this summer … but don’t forget to protect your pet!

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