Kennel Cough: A Very Common And Easy To Treat Disease

Kennel cough: a very common and easy to treat disease

The kennel cough is a kind of mild bronchitis, also known as canine infectious tracheobronchitis.  It is a very contagious respiratory tract disease, although it is easy to treat and of little danger, and it cannot be transmitted to human beings.

You may notice that after a walk on a cold day, when you have left his coat wet after bathing or when he has been on the frozen ground for a long time or has been in recent contact with other dogs, he starts a dry cough. Don’t be alarmed, even if you watch him closely.


This disease is caused by an anaerobic virus that is spread when an infected dog sneezes or coughs. Due to the fact that contact in dogs is of vital importance, a single dog can end up infecting many, through activities such as games, walking or simply sleeping next to others.

This kind of cough is known as “kennel cough” precisely because crowded conditions and cold soils greatly facilitate the spread of this disease. Some factors that favor the spread of the disease are poor ventilation, stress and poor hygiene.

Symptoms of the disease

dog and door

This disease manifests itself through a dry and persistent cough, which is usually worse after exercise or when the dog is agitated.  On specific occasions, fluid expulsion through the nose can also be observed.

In the dog, apart from the cough, there are usually no major discomforts, so it will eat, exercise and remain active and alert, despite it. It is not a serious disease, although it can be complicated by fluid in the lungs.

Despite the aforementioned, care should be taken with puppies that are a few weeks old or with dogs that have a history of respiratory diseases. It is also often complicated in cases of dogs with depressed immune systems.  In the worst case, there is a possibility that the dog will develop pneumonia.


In general, it is a disease that resolves within a few weeks and does not usually require specialized or veterinary treatment. It can be treated with cough suppressants to shorten the life span of the virus in the dog’s body, although its isolation is also often suggested to prevent the spread of the disease.


sick dog

Because it spreads through the air, it is a very difficult disease to avoid. However, you can strengthen your pet so that it does not suffer complications while it suffers and can better fight against the virus.

The most effective way to strengthen your pet is through good nutrition. Keep in mind that nourishing is not the same as feeding, therefore, your dog must have a diet rich in nutrients, which improve his immune system and strengthen his respiratory system.

Taking care of the animal’s hygiene conditions is vital not only to avoid this disease, but many others. Also remember to keep your dog in a well-ventilated place and, preferably, avoid situations that trigger stress episodes as much as possible.

In case you detect that it is sick, you must isolate it while it passes the stage of contagion of the disease.  This will prevent it from spreading. Also take care that your pet does not come into contact with sick animals.

If you have more than four dogs under your care, it is best to vaccinate them once a year, because the greater the number of pets, the greater the risk of contracting the disease. Also remember to protect your dog well from the cold, provide him with a blanket or mattress to sleep on and keep him warm in the coldest times of the year.

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