All About The American Staffordshire Terrier

American Staffordshire Terriers are strong, active dogs that love time outside, and are great for families. Find out what makes them ideal companions!
All about the american staffordshire terrier

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a loyal and playful breed of dog that enjoys family time. Staffordshire are dogs with powerful muscles, which must be properly trained.

This breed has very strong jaws, so it will destroy whatever it starts to chew. If you are not polite and entertaining, the American Staffordshire Terrier will develop destructive habits.

Staffordshire terriers enjoy agility exercises and circuits. However, this breed also enjoys family affection very much.

American Staffordshire terriers often have a watchdog role. However, this position is due more to their physical characteristics and reputation as aggressive dogs than to their behavior.

Growing up in homes where they are loved and properly educated, Staffordshire Terriers rarely show signs of innate aggressive behavior. In general, they are friendly dogs and suitable for families willing to train them.

Staffordshires share many characteristics with the American Pit Bull Terrier. Like these, American Stafforshire Terriers have been used in illegal dogfighting for years.

History of the breed

American stafforshire terriers are the result of the mix between the bulldog and terrier breeds. Of course, this combination occurred a long time ago, when both races came from England to the New World.

American staffordshire terrier: characteristics

The first specimens of this breed were known as the Stafforshire Bull Terrier. By that time, they were used as hunting dogs and as support on farms.

Unfortunately, due to their muscular and tough build, Staffordshire are used as fighting dogs. Although fighting is illegal, many dogs continue to suffer this fate.

The Stafforshire is not an aggressive breed, although many people think otherwise due to this bloody use. In reality, beyond the animal instinct of any dog, there is nothing in their nature that predisposes them to violence.

Physical characteristics of the staffordshire terrier

In American stafforshire terrier it measures on average about 50 centimeters tall. However, females tend to be slightly smaller than males.

An adult Staffordshire weighs between 20 and 30 kilograms. His weight is related to the density of his bones and his great muscle mass, which is obvious.

In general, American Stafforshire Terriers are in excellent health. However, there are certain diseases to which they are predisposed, and to which you should be aware.

This breed is prone to developing skin conditions such as contact allergies and hives caused by mites. Additionally, Staffordshires can get urinary tract infections more often than other breeds.

Many staffords develop osteoarthritis in their old age, or other autoimmune conditions. Some of the diseases that affect Staffords in their later years are hip dysplasia, hypothyroidism, and some degenerative diseases.

American Stafforshire Terriers suffer from bad breath. You should brush your teeth at least once a week. By brushing them you can avoid the accumulation of food.

American staffordshire terrier: behavior


In general, Staffordshire Terriers love being around their families. According to professional keepers, this breed does significantly better when it has quality family time.

Staffordshire terriers need a lot of physical exercise to drain energy. In addition, this exercise must be accompanied by mental stimulation. Otherwise a boring Staffordshire can result in a destructive and mischievous Staffordshire.

These are ideal dogs for people who enjoy being outdoors – they are not suitable dogs for apartment living. Living indoors, you need at least three hours of vigorous physical exercise daily.

Because of their strength, American Staffordshire Terriers need an assertive, confident trainer. From a young age, these dogs need to be socialized with other dogs.

Although they are friendly to humans, many stafforshire terriers may not know how to behave around other animals. This is because they are often not adequately socialized. Some Staffordshire barks constantly when nervous.

The american stafforshire terrier with the family

American Stafforshire Terriers make good family pets. Having said that, we recommend that only families with children over the age of six adopt a dog of this breed. 

This breed of dog is very strong, so Staffordshires make pretty rough playmates. Also, young children like to poke and poke their little fingers everywhere.

For this reason, it is very important that dogs are taught to be around children. Likewise, it is vital that children are trained to be kind and delicate with any animal. And that parents are always vigilant …

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