Aquatic Hazards For Dogs

You might think that dogs are natural swimmers, but this is not always the case; there is no way to assess your friend’s swimming skills until he is in the water
Aquatic hazards for dogs

As the heat sets in, many dogs – and some cats – will enjoy swimming to cool off. While a dip in a pond may seem harmless, there are many hidden aquatic hazards your pet might encounter. We talk about some of the aquatic dangers for dogs and how to detect if your pet has been affected.

Waterborne diseases

There are several organisms present, particularly in stagnant or swampy water, that can cause harm to your pet or even yourself. Most waterborne diseases cause diarrhea, which in itself is treatable, but needs more research, as different parasitic infestations require quite different treatment.

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. If your pet swims in stagnant water (a pond or lake), there is a risk that they will catch a parasite, many of which are transmitted by ingestion or contact with the skin. Some of these infections are zoonotic, which means that they can also be transmitted to humans.

In general, these diseases are not life threatening as long as they are detected and treated in a timely manner. But in young or immunocompromised pets they can be much more serious. This is especially true in the case of leptospirosis, which can spread to the liver.

Aquatic hazards for dogs

Unless you prevent your pet from swimming completely, it is difficult to prevent it from contracting one of these diseases. However, it is best to avoid calm waters and favor slow-moving rivers or streams, as infections are less likely to persist in flowing water.

Also, try to make sure you always have water on hand for your pet to drink so that he doesn’t feel the urge to drink from stagnant pools. Practice good basic hygiene and, if your pet shows symptoms, seek the advice of a veterinarian and remember to indicate that your pet has been swimming.

Aquatic animals

It may seem a bit dramatic to suggest that your pet might be threatened by fish, but you might be surprised how real this statement is. The risk can be very great and could be a trance for small dogs or puppies. There have also been cases of river rats attacking dogs. Be vigilant.

Aquatic hazards: strong currents

While rivers, streams, and seas have the advantage of being clearer to parasites, running water can be tricky and fast. A glance at the surface of the water could indicate that the current is smoother than it actually is. Make sure to prevent your pet from swimming in rivers that are very crowded, for example after heavy rains, and keep them away from the sea if there are undertow alerts in effect.

Aquatic hazards: unusual objects

The old comedy routine of fishermen pulling boots out of the water has some basis in fact. Nature groups often warn of increasing levels of garbage and debris accumulating in our waterways, with various objects reaching the water.

Dog swimming with a ball

Cans, bottles, rocks, and other sharp objects could cut your pet while swimming, and rods or ropes could become tangled. To avoid this, keep him out of muddy, dark, or polluted water. If it is cut, seek veterinary attention, as the wound is more likely to become infected if they have been in water that is not very clean.

Aquatic hazards: c ansancio

If your dog is very old, very young, or tires easily, it is important to monitor his swimming to ensure that he is not going out of depth. While many dogs will approach an activity with enthusiasm, it could prove fatal if they swim farther than they are capable of swimming back.

Don’t let your dog swim too far from shore and watch to make sure he’s not too tired to avoid water hazards. Swimming is a great physical activity that can help your pet stay cool and perform a slightly different form of exercise. In the meantime, be cautious and sensible: you and your pet should have fun and stay safe in the water.

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