Behavior Of Persian Cats

Although the expression on its face could make you think that they have a bad character, this feline is very sociable and friendly
Behavior of Persian cats

Persian cats possess traits that make them uniquely unique and beautiful. Broad faces, flat noses, and long, thick fur are some unmistakable physical characteristics.

Due to their singularities, they make up one of the best-known cat breeds in the world. Next, we will see some distinctive signs of these felines about their behavior, habits and diet.

Hailing from the Middle East, Persian cats arrived in Europe in the 17th century thanks to the smuggling of jewelry and spices. After conquering every kingdom that they found in their path, they moved to America in the middle of the 19th century.

The grim gesture of the faces of these cats, suggests a bad character in these felines. However, once they are known, opinion changes dramatically.

Typical characteristics of Persian cats

They are robust, in part due to the thickness of the coat; Its  approximate weight is around four and seven kilos, with measurements of up to 55 centimeters. One of its peculiarities is that, having short legs, it causes a feeling of slowness when watching it walk.

Despite the feeling that they appear to be slow and heavy animals, much like Angora cats, the Persian is usually a skilled hunter when the opportunity comes.

The wonderful behavior of Persian cats

Persian cats make good house companions. Far from having an adventurous instinct, they prefer to spend hours reclining on couches, chairs and rugs around the house. In general, these felines are very sociable with humans, other cats and dogs, and it is that they show a sweet and friendly character.

Characteristics of Persian cats

In apartments and homes without access to excessive walks, these animals are not anxious or upset. On the contrary, his instinct for hunting and romance remains always ready.

Persian cats are used to being flattered by their fur. In the imaginary of the kingdoms of the East these animals were linked to greatness, wealth and aristocracy.

The same happened in England with respect to flattery, where Queen Victoria herself was a declared admirer of Persian cats. Their soft fur and loving poise give their owners a pleasant sense of friendship and calm.

In the same way that humans adopt animals, Persian cats tend to choose a preferred human among those around them. Perhaps the chosen one is the one who provides enough flattery, caresses and looks.

These cats are especially vain, but also very intelligent. Games in which you can test your cunning appeal to them especially; this as long as they can receive caresses and praise as a reward.

Although they are not as independent as most domestic cats tend to be, Persian cats can spend an entire day in silence. His way of meowing is soft and he uses it only on necessary occasions.

Persian cat

In general, this cat will choose some points of the house as favorites and their hours will pass there. However, he will be happy if there are children in the house to play with him who take care of him, respect him, and pamper him as he deserves.

Summarizing, the main characteristics of the behavior of Persian cats are:

  • Relax : his tendency is to rest all day.
  • Sociable and friendly: they like to spend time with other cats, dogs, adults and children.
  • Observers: From the throne, they love to watch and hear what ‘their humans’ do.
  • Vanity : they like to receive compliments.
  • Intelligent: they are passionate about games where they display their cunning.

Special care of Persian cats

Although the average lifespan of Persian cats is up to 15 years, they must be carefully cared for so that they reach old age in good health. First of all, you have to take care of and regulate their diet ; in a domestic state, they have a high probability of suffering from obesity due to their sedentary tendency.

Another fact to keep in mind is that Persian cats with blue fur are prone to polycystic kidney. With proper treatment, your quality of life will not necessarily deteriorate. For its part, the variety called peke-face, with an extremely flat face, can suffer from lacrimal obstruction.

When it comes to caring for the hair of Persian cats, the ideal will be  periodic brushing to keep it soft and shiny. It is also recommended to take it to specialized hairdressers at least twice a year.

In short, each animal that accompanies domestic life will have something wonderful to offer. In the case of Persian cats, special care is minimal compared to the loving and intelligent presence of these felines.

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