Cat Allergy: How To Treat It

Although it is believed that the cause of allergy to cats is the animal’s hair, the culprit is found in the dander that accumulates on its skin
Cat allergy: how to treat it

Although it is believed that the cause of allergy to cats is the animal’s hair, that is not true: the culprit is found in the dander that accumulates on the feline’s skin. Many people are ‘allergic to cats’, so in this article we will give you some tips to treat their symptoms.

What Causes Cat Allergy?

It is common to say that the culprit of the allergy is the cat’s hair, although it does not cause sneezing, red eyes, coughing or skin rashes. To understand the origin of this reaction a bit, we must talk about a protein present in felines known as ‘Fel d 1’ which, although it is small in size, can be quite dangerous.

If this molecule is dispersed around the house, together with the dander produced by the cat, it can cause allergies. It goes without saying that the animal spends many hours a day grooming and cleaning itself: during this process it releases flakes of dry skin attached to the aforementioned protein.

A person with an immune system that is more sensitive to substances, such as pollen and mites, or someone with asthma, is more likely to suffer from allergies to cats. This is because their defenses cannot cope with microorganisms that fly to and fro in the environment.

Causes of cat allergy and consequences

Although the degree of cat dander condition is due to how immune an individual is, there are other factors that can increase symptoms. For example, male felines produce more allergen secretions compared to females. This can be reduced by sterilizing the animal.

Tips for treating a cat allergy

For nothing in the world should you give your pet up for adoption if you have a cat allergy. On the contrary, you have to pay attention to the following tips, which will improve your life and that of your feline:

1. Select a ‘cat-free’ room

It could be your room or that of your children: the animal is not allowed to enter there, especially if there are carpets on the floor. In this way, you will ensure that at least a few hours a day – or at night – you will not be in contact with allergens.

Of course you cannot prevent the particles from flying throughout the house, but you can greatly reduce their incidence in that room forbidden for the animal.

2. Say goodbye to certain fabrics

As we have already indicated before, carpets are a ‘chosen’ place for dandruff to accumulate. The same happens with certain sofas, curtains and cushions, so we recommend that you minimize these types of objects, fabrics and furniture at home.

Opt for materials that are easier to wash, or cover the furniture with plastic. In the case of having fabrics that do not repel dust, you should wash them quite frequently to eliminate dandruff and avoid allergies to cats.

3. Use an air purifier

They are affordable and easy to get, as they are widely used in houses where allergy sufferers live, as they prevent dry environments. The purifier must contain a special filter called HEPA – or similar – to filter particles from the air effectively.

Tips on how to combat a cat allergy

4. Vacuum

Cleaning is essential to avoid the accumulation of hair and other microorganisms. We advise you, at least once a week, to vacuum all rooms, including the prohibited room for the cat.

Since sweeping with the brush ‘raises’ more dust and can accentuate symptoms, this appliance can be very useful. Get a model that contains special accessories for vacuuming curtains, rugs, sofas, etc.

5. Brush your cat

Finally, it is essential that you remove excess hair and dead tissues from your pet’s skin. Even if the cat cleans itself, this is not enough to eliminate dander and, therefore, allergens.

Brushing should be part of your feline’s routine and accustom him to the fact that it is a game and not something bad. This will prevent them from biting, scratching or hiding you.

Finally, do not forget to regularly clean the bed and all the objects that your cat uses: many allergy-causing particles also accumulate there.

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