Common Characteristics Of Terrier Dogs

These brave and determined dogs were used to raise small mammals from burrows, as well as to hunt rats.
Common characteristics of terrier dogs

Terrier dogs are usually small and brave, and everyone who has ever met a Yorkshire terrier knows this.  In this article we will delve deeper into the general characteristics of terrier dogs, because their similarities go beyond their size.

A common story

The creation of dog breeds, until very few years ago, depended on the jobs they had to perform: tracking game prey, protecting livestock, guiding herds … Due to this,  a genetic selection based on the character and physical abilities more than beauty.

For example, the fastest dogs were selected and mixed with each other: their physique was molded to adapt to this characteristic, until the current greyhound was created. The same has happened with all the race groups: they had a job to do and that is why they are so similar to each other.

In the case of terrier dogs, their name indicates where they come from: their work was closely related to the land. These dog breeds were bred to lift small mammals from their burrows, but also to hunt rats and other small predators.

Common characteristics of terrier dogs: physical

Due to this very specific use, common characteristics began to appear in terrier dogs that made it easier for them to succeed in their purpose. In general, they are small dogs, with well proportioned or short legs.

In addition, they have hard and coarse hair, except for the lines bred specifically for beauty pageants. This type of coat protects them from the humidity of the burrows and allows them to work in the rain or near areas with water without irritating the skin. In addition, they are dogs that tend to shed little hair, so they are usually recommended dogs for allergy sufferers.

Characteristics of terrier dogs

They have their ears perched on their heads and have a rather high set : they need the ear to detect if the burrows are occupied or where the prey is. These ears also have enough mobility to be able to better know where the sound is coming from.

Common characteristics of terrier dogs: character

But not only through physique they have managed to be the best miniature hunters: character has a lot to do with it. There are also psychological traits that are common characteristics of terrier dogs, although it must be taken into account that the experiences of each one can make them change their behavior.

They are barking and warning dogs: because of their size they are not usually good guardians, but they are very good alarms against intruders. This characteristic arises as a result of having to bark to warn hunters of where the burrows and prey were, and has remained in time.

Many of these breeds had to face animals bigger than themselves, so they are also brave and daring. They do not hesitate to face dogs, animals or humans larger than themselves if necessary. They are determined and energetic, and fast when they start running.

Character of terriers dogs

In addition, terrier dogs when stressed bring out one of their primitive instincts: they scratch the ground, make holes and try to bury things. If you have a small dog that destroys flowerpots or hides things in the garden, he may be telling you that he is stressed!

List of terrier dog breeds

There are many terrier dog breeds, but these are the most common. In addition, there are toy versions, that is, much smaller. These breeds have never done any hunting work; They are a creation oriented to beauty contests, despite the fact that they retain the psychological traits:

  • Yorkshire terrier
  • Jack russell
  • Valencian buzzard and Andalusian winemaker
  • Westy, or Whest Highland White Terrier
  • Fox terrier
  • Airelade terrier
  • Boston terrier

Some bulldogs have terrier genetics even though their origin is not in hunting small mammals:

  • Bull terrier
  • Staffordshire bull terrier

Like other breed groups, there are common characteristics of terrier dogs that we can anticipate before adopting one of these animals. They are nervous and barking, but also brave and determined. Their size and character made them stop working in hunting decades ago to become great companions at home.

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