Discover The Most Popular Terriers

Discover the most popular Terriers

Terriers are possibly one of the most extensive families in the canine world. Coming from England and the islands of English descent, they are characterized by being lively, active and very enthusiastic. Despite having their origin in hunting vermin or fighting, they are today one of the favorite families when adopting a companion pet. Let’s look at some of the most popular Terriers.

Bull terrier

We start this list with one of its most powerful members. The Bull Terrier has a unique muzzle, which is its most recognized characteristic. Some say that the Bull Terrier’s head and its small, triangular eyes remind them of sharks. They are very energetic protective and funny dogs. Her posture, in addition to her expanded chest and small hips, give her an ever-alert appearance that is both attractive and charming.

The caretaker of a Bull Terrier must be a very active person, as the breed will require it. It is said about them that they are aggressive, but this is not true at all, Bull Terriers are not a very dominant breed, but due to improper practices that some people have given to the breed (such as training them to fight), they have acquired a bad reputation.

 The Scottish Terrier

scottish terrier

Also known as Aberdeen Terrier or popularly, Scottie, is a dog from Scotland. Like most terriers it was developed for hunting, therefore it is courageous, lively, fast and agile.

This dog is a true digger, its origins are raised to help hunt badgers, especially developing a very strong tail so that the owners could pull it out of the holes. It is characterized by being a very affectionate dog with its caretakers, although it will be distant and reserved with strangers, it is also independent, with great confidence in itself and will always remain alert, barking only when necessary. However, because they have a strong hunting instinct, they will need to be socialized from an early stage.

Fox terrier

Playful, cheerful, active and elegant, that’s how Fox Terriers are. Developed to get foxes out of their burrows, Fox Terriers are excellent to have in a flat, as they have a good size, although excess energy could lead to some behavioral problems if not exercised properly .

Its strong hunting instinct is something you should take into account when raising it, otherwise it will tend to run around animals, such as cats, or dig in the garden if it feels bored. Despite this, they are dogs that are very loyal to their master, brave home guards, affectionate and attentive.

Jack russell terrier

In the Jack Russell you will find all the strength and vitality of a large dog, but in a compact size. Hardworking, energetic and cheerful, this breed is always alert, it is also one of the most independent within the Terrier, which makes it perfect for people who must spend many hours away from home. Don’t be too confused, however, it will need training anyway.

Like the Fox Terrier, it was developed to support fox hunting, therefore it is a very fast animal (a special requirement to be able to follow the entire hunting pack), so it needs to exercise and play so as not to get bored.

American Pit Bull Terrier

american pit bull terrier

Pit Bull Terriers are very energetic dogs and great athletes, previously they were bred for fighting, which has given the breed a bad reputation (as well as Pit Bulls in general). However, they are excellent companion dogs and socialized in the proper way, they make good family dogs.

They are smaller than other Pit Bulls, although they retain strong and athletic musculature, which makes them good for sports. They are also dogs very willing to please their master, intelligent and very loyal. They will require a great deal of exercise to vent the energy they have.

However, due to the breed’s bad reputation, its possession is regulated and even prohibited in certain countries and regions. In Spain it is required to have a license that includes third party liability insurance. Despite this, they are very playful and sociable dogs, endowed with a friendly character and keen intelligence.

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