Emotional Benefits Of Animal Assistance

Emotional benefits of animal assistance

The advantages of treatment and assistance with animals reach all situations of people, both physical and psychological, even in the social aspect. Animals offer a very positive motivating and socializing element.

The animals most used for therapy are dogs and horses. Horses offer, for people with motor skills problems, warmth and smooth movements, so that they can relax their limbs and muscles, especially the legs. In the case of dogs, they favor interaction with the environment in the case of people with communication crisis.

Activities with or without therapy

disabled dog

In this area, it is necessary to differentiate well assisted therapy with animals from activities with them. In the case of therapy, it is a treatment where a health professional intervenes, in order to improve specific difficulties for the user. The idea is to improve the physical condition, the emotional or social character of the patient, etc. Besides horses and dogs, dolphins are also used.

In the case of assistance activities with animals, what is sought is an increase in the quality of life of the user with recreational activities. They are not necessarily directed by a health professional, but by trainers, monitors, etc.

Links and people participating in assistance with animals

The benefits of contact with animals come from an important psychological and emotional contribution. Simply stroking the animal produces a stimulus of blood pressure and a decrease in stress and the general mood of the person who receives it.

All kinds of people can participate in assistance activities with animals. The therapy is aimed primarily at children with autism, to work on their relationships with the environment, Alzheimer’s patients to increase attention and contact with the people around them, as well as people with disabilities and the elderly.

Psychological benefits of animal assistance

Many studies have provided data on the positive effects of contact with dogs and other animals:

equine therapy 2

  • Orientation in reality : animals, and especially dogs, attract a lot of attention. For that reason, they are frequently used in movies and advertising. The case of disoriented people and with Alzheimer’s is very representative. With these people, dogs can even serve as an intermediary or “link” between the introverted world of these patients, and their reality.
  • Attention deficit disorders: When it comes to going to school and attending classes, when it comes to studying and preparing for exams, etc., there are many children and students in general who are not able to concentrate. Dogs help a lot in this sense, as they improve the mood and make it possible for the concentration to be greater.
  • Against depression : Animals are a very important support to overcome depression.
  • Social stimulus : For people with communication problems, dogs enhance social contact and promote interpersonal relationships.
  • The need for physical contact: The animals used in therapy, mainly dogs, satisfy one of the deficiencies of human beings who are alone: ​​physical contact. There are people who are reluctant or very inhibited about physical contact with other people. However, they have a great facility to approach a dog and pet it.
  • Assistance with animals serves as an incentive : Dogs serve as motivation for different treatment modalities. A person with serious psychomotor problems who needs to perform physical rehabilitation exercises , performs this activity more motivated or motivated if it is accompanied by a dog or with its participation.
  • Ease of acceptance: Dogs accept anyone regardless of their physique, skin color, breed, etc. For many people who, for whatever reason, suffer significant social rejection, acceptance by dogs enhances their self-esteem by granting more personal validation.

The simple act of stroking a dog or horse causes a pleasant sensation of serenity that regulates the heart rate and blood pressure. Taking care of a pet and having responsibilities towards it causes a change in older people, who go from feeling like an object to care for to being their caretakers. Ultimately, they are considered more useful. That’s how useful assistance with animals is.

Image courtesy of Pioneer Library System.

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