Health Benefits Of Bee Hive Products For Dogs

Bees produce products that provide many benefits to animal health, including honey, propolis, royal jelly, and pollen.
Health Benefits of Bee Hive Products for Dogs

Nature offers us very beneficial products for our health and that of our animals. Bee hive products for dogs have many healthy properties, but they are not necessary in themselves to have a correct daily diet. We can use them as supplements from time to time, as long as we consult with our veterinarian.

We also find bee hive products for dogs as ingredients in many snacks , shampoos, fabric softeners … Since ancient times, hive products have been used as food, a poultice for wounds and to prevent and treat colds. These are some of the characteristics of the products that bees make:

Bee hive products for dogs: honey

Honey has a composition that is very rich in nutrients. In a higher proportion are sugars such as fructose, which is why we should not abuse honey in dogs, especially if they suffer from a pathology such as diabetes.

In addition, it contains vitamins, amino acids, minerals and antioxidants. Due to its components, honey has different nutritional and therapeutic properties:

1. Antibacterial properties

Hydrogen peroxide, the enzyme glucose oxidase and flavonoids and phenolic acids are molecules with bactericidal power naturally present in honey. It is one of the reasons why honey is used on the skin to treat wounds, blemishes and burns.

2. Source of antioxidants

Antioxidants are natural substances that prevent the formation of oxides, which in turn slows down cellular aging. In addition, the proteins and amino acids that compose it serve as the basis for the production of our own proteins.

3. Anti-inflammatory power

Honey is able to reduce inflammation and pain caused by swelling : it is a natural anti-inflammatory. Many human cough medicines are made from honey.

4. Promotes digestion

Honey helps metabolize food, thus promoting digestion and also alleviating symptoms of reflux and constipation.

5. Improves the appearance of skin and hair

Provides hydration, softness and shine to pet hair. Many shampoos contain honey extracts in their composition to provide these characteristics.

Honey is one of the products of the bee hive for dogs

Bee hive products for dogs: propolis

It is another processed from bees, a mixture of balsams, essential oils and waxes, rich in phenolic compounds and with properties similar to honey. Above all, it is known as a product that stimulates the immune system.

Propolis has been used as a local antibiotic to treat otitis in dogs for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. With propolis it would be possible to eliminate the bacteria and, at the same time, treat the inflammation of the ear.

Bee hive products for dogs: royal jelly

Royal jelly is produced by worker bees from the secretions of the glands that they have on their heads to feed the larvae during the first days of life, but it is the queen bee that consumes it for the longest time.

It has the same properties of honey in a more concentrated dose. Currently it already exists as a food supplement for dogs: it provides vitality, energy and keeps the immune system strong, especially in more unfavorable times such as winter.

Bee hive products for dogs: pollen

With the pollen of the flowers that the bees collect on their legs, the larvae of the hive are fed throughout their development, making it a very nutritious food, rich in proteins, minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids and flavonoids, so many like those who should have a complete and balanced diet.

Dog eating

It is, therefore, a good food supplement that is increasingly common among pet owners, such as salmon oil, flaxseed oil, seaweed, echinaceae … But, as always, it is best to consult your veterinarian to avoid possible problems such as allergies or intestinal disorders.

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