Homemade Ice Cream For Dogs

Homemade ice cream for dogs

When the temperature rises and the heat overwhelms, a cold and delicious homemade ice cream is a very healthy option. Dogs also enjoy these fresh desserts, whose effects on the body can be very beneficial.

How to prepare a delicious homemade ice cream for dogs, not only refreshing, but also healthy. This is a frequent question among many lovers of these pets.

It is important to consider that dogs should not eat from the commercial brands that their owners eat. These products contain abundant lactose, excess sugars, and other ingredients such as chocolate. The consequences can cause stomach upset, flatulence, vomiting and diarrhea in animals.

Vegetable yogurt: a frequent ingredient

Many of the recipes to prepare a homemade ice cream for our pet have vegetable yogurt as the main base in their composition. There are different options to consider: soy or coconut milk are very popular.

Sometimes there is not much time or desire to prepare a dessert for our dogs. But just put a bottle of unsweetened vegetable yogurt in the freezer for two hours. It can also be diluted in a little water, mixing in the blender in equal parts, and then refrigerating.

When taking it to the blender, you can add melon, watermelon or mango juices to the homemade ice cream. Similarly, before emptying it into the container where it will be frozen, you can add pieces of apples, strawberries or peaches. Although most fruits can be mixed, it is preferable to prepare ice cream one flavor at a time, in order to detect any adverse reactions.

A delicious homemade banana ice cream

A little more elaborate is the banana ice cream with peanut butter and yogurt.

For its preparation, one or more bananas must be pureed. For each fruit used, add one tablespoon of peanut butter and one of yogurt, until the desired consistency is achieved.

The next thing is to take the preparation to the freezer, but do not leave it for too long, since the idea is only that it cools without losing its creaminess. You can include small pieces of whole banana.

Ice cream only for dogs

The recipes that we have seen so far are made for dogs to share with their owners. However, the one that follows is exclusively for dogs: cookie ice cream.

Taking vegetable yogurt as a base again, pieces of cookies are added to the preparation and it is frozen. Do not forget, for the ice cream to have a creamy texture, remove from the freezer every two hours.

With the help of a mixer or a kitchen utensil to crush, we crush the mixture well and return it to freeze.

Pet owners should not overlook the fact that industrial products made for human consumption are not suitable for pets. Among other things, they include ingredients in their composition that are not suitable for consumption by animals. The ideas is to buy any food for our dogs in specialized stores.

Salty ice cream

Not all ice cream recipes for “man’s best friend” are yogurt-based. Not all of them tend toward sweet flavors (even if no sugar is added). A “traditional” preparation of a salty dessert, which is prepared in the home of many families with dogs, is chicken ice cream.

In its preparation, a broth is prepared, pieces of meat are added (not including bones) and it is put in the fridge for a few hours.

As a complement, you can add pieces of low-salt ham or sausage for dogs.

Some tips on preparing homemade ice cream

Low temperatures or excesses can cause adverse reactions in the digestive system of dogs. To avoid complications, it is recommended to place small portions, as well as to educate pets to taste their desserts without haste.

To obtain small portions of these delicious ice creams, you can resort to the use of ice buckets.

Before serving the ice cream, one option is to let it sit out of the fridge for 10 to 15 minutes, so that its temperature is “less cold.” As with ice cream for people, this loss of temperature adds creaminess.

In some of these recipes, vegetable yogurt can be substituted for soy, rice or oat milk, among others.

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