How To Become A Park Ranger

Before thinking about it, it must be clear that it is by vocation, since the performance of the task may be more arduous than you imagine; In addition, it is an essential requirement to have specific training
How to become a park ranger

A ranger has many responsibilities within a specific natural area. In addition to taking care of the flora and fauna, its objective is to teach visitors about the place, avoid fires and investigate biodiversity. If you want to know how to become a park ranger, keep reading this article.

Becoming a park ranger: is it really for me?

According to the definition, a park ranger is a person who is in charge of the protection and preservation of all aspects in wild, historical or cultural areas. In addition, they provide interpretive and recreational activities for all ages and are a link between local communities and visitors.

Before making the decision to be a ranger, you should consider what your duties and tasks are. Some are dedicated to science and research: they collect samples of plants, bones, fecal matter or any other element that allows one or more species of the place to be analyzed.

Others are focused on education, so they receive visitors and explain about the ecosystem, geological formations, geography and ecology.

We can also find park rangers-policemen, who provide services to prevent forest fires or defend in case of remote areas, for example, to combat  poaching.

How to become a ranger

However, not everything is ‘action’ in the life of a park ranger, since they must also take care of administrative matters, the sale of tickets or useful tools for the stay of visitors or even clean the common access areas.

In turn, by becoming a park ranger, a person works under unfavorable conditions; cold, heat, snow, rain … It can be a very arduous task, but at the same time rewarding and wonderful.

Not everyone knows about the work it takes to take care of a national park or nature reserve. In order for these sites to maintain their ‘paradise’ status and be enjoyed by all, someone must take care of the maintenance.

Protected nature reserves

Tips to become a park ranger

The ranger’s personality is based on love and respect for nature, on being a charismatic leader or not considering his job as such, which is why he will be in his position on vacations, parties or holidays and weekends. Some recommendations to become a park ranger are:

1. Be familiar with the parks of the country

The national park system is similar throughout the world, although the legislation varies by country or province / state. It is very important to have knowledge of the laws and rules that revolve around this task.

2. Study (and graduate)

Just being a ‘nature lover’ is not enough to become a park ranger. You need to be qualified for this complex and valuable task. In the local universities the ranger career is dictated (in Spain the position is accessed through state examinations), which can then be supplemented with some specification: for example, ecology, conservation, public administration, etc.

3. Search for contacts in the desired park

It is not always easy to find ranger employment in the area or park we want. If we like the forest or the mountains, there may be positions available in coastal or jungle areas.

At first, we may have to accept jobs in more remote areas or that we do not like, or even carry out more monotonous activities. But all this serves to generate experience and then be able to apply in more interesting positions.

If, for example, you have a park near your home and you want to work in it, the best thing you can do is contact the managers of the place. When they meet you, and know that you’ve studied to be a game ranger, they might get you a position.

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