How To Take Care Of Our Pyrotechnic Pets At Parties

How to take care of our pyrotechnic pets at parties

It is known as Acustophobia, and it is the panic of noise. We suffer it people and also animals. An animal that suffers from acustophobia usually has a kind of irrational fear of different noises, such as firecrackers, strong blows, rockets, fireworks, pyrotechnics, thunder, etc.

The greatest risk occurs when our friend is away from home. If you hear rockets, firecrackers or any similar noise, your reaction will be to flee for shelter, usually in the direction of home. That action can have consequences, that our pets disobey us, get lost, the danger of crossing roads, etc.

Behaviors of our pets in the face of noise and fireworks

dog afraid of thunder

The Christmas holidays are coming and in many places they are celebrated with fireworks. Dogs are especially sensitive to these noises and can react unexpectedly.

This type of behavior has a treatment, but it takes time to implement it and to be effective. Abnormal behavior of animals towards fireworks should not be minimized. It must be clear that they cause suffering in them, but there is a solution, if professional attention is paid prior to the events that trigger it.

When handling fireworks, you have to take all kinds of precautions and do not throw it near dogs because it is dangerous. When firing a rocket or firecracker, the animal can run to look for it, with the risk of exploding in its mouth.

We also have to be cautious with the Christmas lights. It is common that, especially cats, their colors and flashes attract a lot of attention and try to bite them, which can cause discharges and burns.

The best thing, regarding the Christmas lights that we have at home, is to leave them unplugged. Especially while the animal is alone. You also have to check the cables regularly, to find out if our pet is biting them.

The origin of pain in our pets

Different investigations carried out have concluded that almost half of our pets suffer a lot from firecrackers and similar noises. In the worst cases, these noises can have irreversible consequences for your ears, and even be fatal to them.

The animal is frightened by the danger signal that noise represents for him, and adopts a protective attitude. This protective armor has many modalities, from a desperate escape, hiding under the bed or in any other corner, etc.

In the case of dogs, in addition to a heightened sense of smell, as we all know, they also have a special sensitivity in the ear and a hearing capacity superior to us . For this reason , the sound of firecrackers is perceived with a high intensity, and it even hurts them physically.

In their mind, they believe their life is in serious danger, and they have a panic attack. In addition to being fearful, they will be disoriented, and can even become very aggressive.

The causes of these behaviors can be varied, including hormonal and genetic origin. In an analysis of breeds, some are more prone to these noises than others.

Symptoms of panic in our pets

When there are fireworks or pyrotechnics nearby, we can observe the symptoms of panic in our pets. The animal trembles, gasps or salivates excessively, has nausea or other types of abdominal discomfort, is aggressive, barks for no apparent reason, etc.

How to act before a panic attack in our dog?

dog afraid of lightning

A common reaction we have is to calm and protect him. It is normal, because of the affection we have for him. But our pet will associate such pampering with something bad happening and that is why it needs protection. It is not the best technique.

The best way to solve our pets’ phobia of noise, firecrackers and rockets, is to convey the feeling that nothing is happening, that everything is fine. Our attitude should be calm and normal, that he sees us as always. That way you will assume firecrackers or rockets as something that falls within the normal.

Prevent Acustophobia

When we know in advance that very annoying noises are going to sound for our pets, we will plan our action. It is important to hide the noises of firecrackers and rockets, for example, by turning up the volume of the radio, music or television. These types of measures can help, but they do not eliminate the problem.

It also helps a lot to take our pet for a walk and take a longer route than usual. The idea is that you come home tired and much more relaxed.

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